WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2024)

Last updated on Feb 28, 2021 at 15:06by Seksixeny13 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Elemental Shaman leveling guide for WoW Classic.Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more generalleveling information, please refer to our Shaman levelingguide. We also have an Enhancement Shamanleveling guide and a Restoration Shamanleveling guide.

If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to ourTBC Classic Elemental Shaman leveling guide.


Level by Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 60


Leveling Talent Tree & Build

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (1)

Elemental Shaman Talents Level 10 to 19

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2)

Elemental Shaman Talents Level 20 to 29

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (3)

Elemental Shaman Talents Level 30 to 39

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (4)

Elemental Shaman Talents Level 40 to 49

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (5)

Elemental Shaman Talents Level 50 to 60

  1. Levels 10 to 14 — 5 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (6) Convection
  2. Levels 15 to 17 — 3 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (7) Call of Flame
  3. Levels 18 & 19 — 2 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (8) Concussion

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (9) Convection increases your Mana efficiency,which is of great value while leveling, allowing you to pull more before having todrink. WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (10) Call of Flame will give your WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (11) Searing Totem, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (12) Fire Nova Totemand WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (13) Magma Totem a strong boost, allowing them to contribute more when used.Finally, get started on WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (14) Concussion to increase your overall damage.

  1. Level 20 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (15) Elemental Focus
  2. Levels 21 to 25 — 5 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (16) Call of Thunder
  3. Levels 26 to 28 — 3 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (17) Eye of the Storm
  4. Level 29 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (18) Concussion

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (19) Elemental Focus improves your Mana efficiencyby sometimes making your next spell free. Track this effect and use your most expensivespells when it procs to take advantage of its effect. WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (20) Call of Thunder increasesyour damage by improving the critical chance of your main spells. WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (21) Eye of the Stormwill sometimes allow you to cast uninterrupted and another point into WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (22) Concussionis another damage increase.

  1. Level 30 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (23) Elemental Fury
  2. Levels 31 & 32 — 2 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (24) Storm Reach
  3. Levels 33 & 34 — 2 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (25) Concussion
  4. Levels 35 to 39 — 5 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (26) Lightning Mastery

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (27) Elemental Fury increases your criticaldamage substantially, which has great synergy with your critical strike increasingtalents, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (28) Call of Thunder and WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (29) Elemental Mastery. WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (30) Storm Reachincreases your pull range, while maximizing the rest of WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (31) Concussion furtherincreases your damage potential. Finally, maximizing WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (32) Lightning Mastery providesa huge DPS increase as it drastically decreases your cast times.

  1. Level 40 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (33) Elemental Mastery
  2. Levels 41 to 45 — 5 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (34) Improved Healing Wave
  3. Levels 46 & 47 — 2 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (35) Improved Reincarnation
  4. Levels 48 & 49 — 2 points in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (36) Totemic Focus

While WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (37) Nature's Swiftness is, arguably,a more flexible pick than WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (38) Elemental Mastery, it is much better to be ableto pick Elemental Mastery at Level 40 and have it immediately impact your gameplay,compared to only getting Nature's Swiftness at Level 60, when you will likely berespeccing for an end-game build, anyway.

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (39) Improved Healing Wave allows you to healfaster through WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (40) Healing Wave spam when needed, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (41) Improved Reincarnationprovides a better cushion with WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (42) Reincarnation for when mistakes are made.Finally, get two points into WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (43) Totemic Focus to increase your Mana efficiency.

  1. Level 50 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (44) Totemic Focus
  2. Levels 51 to 53 — 3 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (45) Nature's Guidance
  3. Level 54 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (46) Totemic Mastery
  4. Level 55 — 1 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (47) Totemic Focus
  5. Levels 56 to 60 — 5 point in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (48) Tidal Mastery

Get one more point into WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (49) Totemic Focusand proceed to the main reason why we went down the Restoration tree, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (50) Nature's Guidance.This talent is a great damage increase due to the hit it provides. Get WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (51) Totemic Masteryto increase the range at which allies will get your totem benefits and finish WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (52) Totemic Focus.Finally, maximize WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (53) Tidal Mastery in order to get even more critical strike.


Leveling Rotation

Good usage of WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (54) Earthbind Totem can help youavoid a lot of damage. Place it between yourself and your enemies to slow them andgive yourself at least one extra WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (55) Lightning Bolt cast before taking any damage.

While WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (56) Searing Totem has great sustained damage,this damage is dealt over a very long period, while Elemental should be looking toburst down its targets so that more time is freed to regenerate while moving to thenext objective or drink. Still, feel free to use it whenever you are facing harderor multiple enemies. The same can be said about WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (57) Flame Shock, whichis a great spell to use while kiting enemies with WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (58) Earthbind Totem.

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (59) Windfury Weapon is a strong weapon enchantthat can allow you to one shot an enemy out of nowhere, but is generally outclassedby WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (60) Rockbiter Weapon during leveling, which does more overall damage andalso has less potential to waste damage when an enemy is low health.

  1. Make sure to always heal yourself with WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (61) Healing Waveif you are low health after a pull, this will allow you to quickly get back to actionwith minimal downtime, as you will be able to regenerate that Mana until you nextneed to heal again.
  2. Make sure WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (62) Rockbiter Weapon is active onyou at all times, to maximize your potential damage output whenever an enemy makesit to your melee range.
  3. Make sure both WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (63) Rockbiter Weapon and WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (64) Lightning Shieldare active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output wheneveran enemy makes it to your melee range.
  4. Drop WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (65) Strength of Earth Totem and WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (66) Searing Totemas your main totems, when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time,in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  5. Drop WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (67) Strength of Earth Totem, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (68) Healing Stream Totemand WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (69) Searing Totem as your main totems, when grinding in a small space fora prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  6. Drop WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (70) Healing Stream Totem and WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (71) Searing Totemas your main totems (also WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (72) Windfury Totem and WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (73) Strength of Earth Totem whenplaying with Warriors or Rogues),when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or whenfacing hard enemies.
  7. WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (74) Elemental Mastery causes your next damagespell to deal a guaranteed critical strike and be free. Use it alongside WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (75) Chain Lightningand WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (76) Earth Shock (cast immediately after the Chain Lightning) whenever possible,preferably while facing the toughest enemies around you.
  8. Use WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (77) Lightning Bolt to initiate combat. Keepcasting it until the enemy is close enough that you will not have time to cast anotherone before you get hit in melee range.
  9. Use WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (78) Lightning Bolt (single-target) orWoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (79) Chain Lightning (multiple-targets) to initiate combat. Keep casting ituntil the enemy is close enough that you will not have time to cast another onebefore you get hit in melee range.
  10. Auto-attack the enemy until he dies. The idle timeyou get here will allow you to regenerate some Mana, as you will not be casting anymore spells until you are pulling the next enemy.
  11. Auto-attack the enemy until he dies, if his remaininghealth is low. Otherwise, mix in WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (80) Earth Shock (immediately after your auto-attack)to make it die faster. The idle time you get here will allow you to regenerate someMana, as you will not be casting any more spells until you are pulling the next enemy.


List of Trainer Skills to Buy

WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (81) Strength of Earth Totem, WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (82) Windfury Totemand WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (83) Ancestral Spirit are examples of very powerful skills that should alwaysbe bought if and when you start playing in a group. These skills, among others, willnot be listed below because they are of limited usefulness for the average solo /questing player but feel free to buy them if you ever play in a group or do dungeons.


Elemental Shaman Macros and Addons

By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the getgo, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Elemental ShamanMacros and Addons guide in the link below for the full list.

Elemental Shaman Macros and Addons Guide


Elemental Shaman Quests and Weapons

While leveling, you will want to always search for weapon upgrade opportunities.Also, it is required that you complete various Shaman specific quest lines in orderto receive your various elemental totems, which are required in order to be ableto use your totems, such as WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (138) Earthbind Totem. To help you with these tasks,we have made two detailed pages.

Shaman weapons guideShaman quests guide


Playing an Elemental Shaman beyond Level 60

Once you reach maximum level, we recommend diving into our Elemental Shaman Guide,which covers everything you need to know about playing Elemental in the end game.

We especially recommend reading through these pages:

  • Our Elemental Shaman Talent builds guidecontains the PvE oriented builds for Elemental Shamans, including a melee hybrid build;
  • Check out the PvP Shaman guide, whereyou can find PvP oriented builds for Elemental Shamans, as well as some tips thatcan you help face other players;
  • Inside the Goldmaking Guide for Elemental Shamans,you will find various tactics and strategies to farm gold in WoW Classic at level 60;
  • Elemental Shaman Rotation guidecontains details on how to play in a variety of situations, including some advancedtotem management tips;
  • Browse the Elemental Shaman Stats guideto learn about your stat priority as an Elemental Shaman and how they contributeto your performance at maximum level;
  • Finally, the Gear guide for Elemental Shamanscontains the best gear pieces to look for at level 60, in order to maximize yourdamage.



  • 28 Feb. 2021: Changed the slider starting point to maximum level.
  • 05 Jan. 2020: Added a Macros and Addons section.
  • 23 Sep. 2019: Added a final section with useful links for players who just hit 60.
  • 14 Sep. 2019: Guide added.

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WoW Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.