The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (2024)

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The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (1)

Aaron Nauth and his wife Rhonda

It is with great pleasure that I announce the addition of Aaron Nauth to the Division of Orthopaedics at St. Michael’s Hospital as an associate scientist and surgeon.

Aaron completed his orthopaedic residency at the University of Toronto, followed by two fellowships: Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy at the University of British Columbia and Trauma and Upper Extremity at the University of Toronto. Aaron’s clinical focus is orthopaedic trauma, soft tissue reconstruction and arthroscopy. He is an active member of the University of Toronto Sports Medicine (UTOSM) program and works as a trauma team leader at St. Michael’s hospital in addition to his orthopaedic practice. His research focus is on the basic science of fracture and tendon healing with stem cell therapy in addition to conducting randomized clinical trials in orthopaedic trauma.

To date, he is the recipient of several prestigious awards and grants: (1) the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society Founders Medal Award for Best Basic Science Paper in 2012 at the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting in Ottawa, and (2) peer reviewed grants from the Physician Services Incorporated Fund and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association in 2013 in both basic science and clinical research. Already an invaluable member of our Division, we look forward to his contribution in our pursuit of clinical excellence, groundbreaking research and commitment to teaching.

Aaron enjoys spending his free time outdoors with his wife Rhonda and their dog Watson.

Timothy Daniels,
Chief of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,
St. Michael’s Hospital

The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (2)

Suneil Kalia

Suneil Kalia is a graduate of the MD/PhD program at the University of Toronto, where he entered the neurosurgery residency program in 2006. During his PhD he discovered novel molecular targets which contribute to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease. From 2009-10, he completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease, Harvard University. He resumed residency training and graduated from the Toronto program in 2012 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada that year. From 2012-13, Dr. Kalia completed a clinical fellowship in functional and stereotactic neurosurgery at Toronto Western Hospital, and was recruited to the Division of Neurosurgery with a staff appointment at Toronto Western Hospital.

He is appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. His clinical focus on the surgical management of movement disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease, follows as a logical extension of his longstanding research interests. His research laboratory is within the Toronto Western Research Institute and focuses on understanding molecular mechanisms of protein homeostasis in neurodegeneration and on establishing model systems to study protein function in neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Kalia is married to Lorraine Kalia, a neurodegenerative disease researcher and a movement disorders neurologist at Toronto Western Hospital.

James Rutka,
RS McLaughlin Professor and Chair,
Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

I am delighted to announce the appointment of DeanElterman to the Division of Urology at the UniversityHealth Network. Dean grew up in Vancouver andattended McGill University for his undergraduate studies.Dean completed his medical degree followed byresidency in Urologic Surgery here at the University ofToronto. He became a fellow of the Royal College ofPhysicians and Surgeons of Canada in 2011.

The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (3)

Dean Elterman with his wife Yvonne Bombard

Dean has returned to the University of Torontoafter completing a two-year fellowship in VoidingDysfunction, Female Urology, Neuro-Urology and PelvicReconstruction at Memorial Sloan-Kettering CancerCenter, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill CornellMedical College and the Iris Cantor Men’s HealthCenter at New York Presbyterian Hospital in New YorkCity. During his fellowship, Dean also completed aMaster of Science degree in Clinical Epidemiology andHealth Services Research from Weill Cornell GraduateSchool of Medical Sciences of Cornell University.

Dean’s research interests include men’s health andnovel technologies for treating voiding dysfunctionincluding sacral neuromodulation. Clinically, Dean alsoperforms prosthetic and reconstructive surgery for maleurinary and sexual dysfunction, as well as female andoncologic pelvic reconstruction. Dean is joined by hiswife, Dr. Yvonne Bombard, a Scientist at the Li Ka ShingKnowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital and theInstitute of Health Policy Management and Evaluationat the University of Toronto.

On behalf of the Division of Urology at the Universityof Toronto, please join me in welcoming Dean back toToronto.

Neil E. Fleshner
Chair, Division of Urology
University of Toronto

The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (4)

William Stansfield

We are excited to announce thearrival of William Stansfieldto the UHN Division ofCardiovascular Surgery in thePeter Munk Cardiac Centre.Bill received his M.D fromMcGill University and thenpursued training in generalsurgery at the University ofNorth Carolina in Chapel Hill.He remained at UNC for aresearch fellowship in basic andtranslational research, and for clinical training in cardiacand thoracic surgery. After completing training, he wasrecruited to stay at UNC as surgical faculty in the divisionof cardiothoracic surgery.

William is appointed as a Surgeon Scientist andAssistant Professor in the Division of Cardiac Surgery,University of Toronto. His primary clinical interests arein valve repair and replacement through minimally invasivetechniques, and care of the end-stage heart failurepatient. This includes a range of cardiac operations onlow EF patients, including different types of mechanicalsupport and heart transplant. Bill’s research interestis in myocardial reverse remodeling, especially afterpressure offloading of the left ventricle through aorticvalve replacement or LVAD therapy. He may be reachedthrough his assistant, Joanna Blackman, at extension14-4218.

Please join me in welcoming Bill to the Peter MunkCardiac Center.

Vivek Rao,
Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery,
University Health Network

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The Surgical Spotlight :: SPRING-SUMMER 2014 :: NEW STAFF (2024)
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