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Digital ForensicsTechnology andPractices:Project 2 – TheHacker AttacksNameCST 640 9040: Digital ForensicsTechnology and PracticesProfessorDate(Computer Forensics, n.d.)Project 2 - Introduction•Attackers’ point of view discovering the web administrator’slogin credentials• The attacker discovers a web vulnerability, determines a way togain access, then creates as many methods as possible tomaintain access.In our Last Episode - Credentials Extracted•The attacker discovered a hidden directory in the website structure storing hiddencredentials.• The credentials were encrypted with Base64 by the web administrator anddecrypted by the attacker for use to log into the system.Base64 DecodeThe attacker will Nmap for more information• Conduct a no ping Nmap to remain undiscovered of the remote host• Open port 22 – SSH• Open port 3389 - RDPSSH into the Windows Victim• Access acquired• Attack MethodsAdd an Administrative Account• Create a persistent account•Assign the newly created account to the administrators groupStop A Service• Stop the “Windows Time” service• Ramifications of stopped“Windows Time” serviceCreating a Scheduled Task (Backdoor)• The SCHTASKS command line utility• An attacker would schedule a regularly running maliciously intended taskAdding a Batch File to Startup•Maintaining a malicious presence in a host by ensuring the program continuallyruns.Stealing Data? ...
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Tags: UMGC CST640 cybersecurity project 2 project2 the hacker attacks grade A
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