Margot Robbie, Zendaya, Ryan Reynolds and more nominated for 2024 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (2024)





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\n Margot Robbie, Zendaya, Ryan Reynolds and more nominated for 2024 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (1)\n Portions of Content Provided by Rovi Corporation. © Rovi Corporation\n



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Margot Robbie, Zendaya, Ryan Reynolds and more nominated for 2024 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (2)

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Margot Robbie, Zendaya, Ryan Reynolds and more nominated for 2024 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (3)

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'; epArtistSong.innerHTML = artistAndSong; var epLearnMore = document.getElementById('ep-learnMore'); if (this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl')) { epLearnMore.setAttribute('href', this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl')); epLearnMore.classList.remove('hidden'); epLearnMore.onclick = function () { // send analytics data (onClick on react did not send, this does: do not move) self.args.dataLayerFn(self.args.analyticsEvent, { element: 'persistent', elementSubTitle: 'biography' }); }; } else { epLearnMore.setAttribute('href', this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl')); epLearnMore.classList.add('hidden'); } epTwitterShare.setAttribute('href', '' + encodeURIComponent(self.getShareText()) + '&url=' + self.args.stationURL + '/stream'); epBuyNow.setAttribute('href', this.getCMGPPDetails('buyLink')); if (this.getCMGPPDetails('buyLink')) epBuyNow.classList.remove('hidden');else epBuyNow.classList.add('hidden'); // Header Player var headerTitle = document.getElementById('headerSongTitle'); if (headerTitle) { if (headerTitle.innerHTML !== this.getCMGPPDetails('title')) headerTitle.innerHTML = this.getCMGPPDetails('title'); if (headerTitle.tagName === 'A') { if (this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl')) headerTitle.setAttribute('href', this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl'));else headerTitle.removeAttribute('href'); } } var headerArtist = document.getElementById('headerSongArtist'); if (headerArtist) { if (headerArtist.innerHTML !== this.getCMGPPDetails('artist')) headerArtist.innerHTML = this.getCMGPPDetails('artist'); if (headerArtist.tagName === 'A') { if (this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl')) headerArtist.setAttribute('href', this.getCMGPPDetails('linkUrl'));else headerArtist.removeAttribute('href'); } } }, headerPPButton: function headerPPButton() { var self = this; var headerButton = document.getElementById('header-play-button'); var toggleEventFn = function toggleEventFn() { var persistentPlayerButton = headerButton.classList.contains('persistent-player-controls'); var playButton = headerButton.classList.contains('ui-icon-play'); var retryButton = headerButton.classList.contains('ui-icon-retry'); if (self.args.playerFallback) {'' + self.args.stationID + '/sgplayer/player.php', 'playerpopup', 'width=974,height=450,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0'); } else { window.fireEvent('TogglePlayer'); } // send analytics for play-interaction if (playButton || retryButton) { self.args.dataLayerFn(self.args.analyticsEvent, { element: persistentPlayerButton ? 'persistent' : 'header', elementSubTitle: playButton ? 'play' : 'retry' }); } }; headerButton.addEventListener('click', toggleEventFn); }, setUpEventListeners: function setUpEventListeners() { var self = this; window.addEventListener('ExpandPlayer', function () { /* istanbul ignore next */ self.expandPlayer(); }); var closePlayer = document.getElementById('player-close'); if (closePlayer) { closePlayer.addEventListener('click', function () { /* istanbul ignore next */ self.collapsePlayer(true, true); }); } var toggle = document.getElementById('playerToggle'); if (toggle) { toggle.addEventListener('click', function () { /* istanbul ignore next */ self.toggleExpand(true); }); } // toggle event for mobile only var ppDetails = document.getElementById('ppDetails'); if (ppDetails) { document.getElementById('ppDetails').addEventListener('click', function () { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (document.getElementById('playerToggle').offsetParent === null) { self.toggleExpand(true); } }); } var epLearnMore = document.getElementById('ep-learnMore'); /* istanbul ignore next */ epLearnMore.addEventListener('click', function () { self.collapsePlayer(); }); // toggle voting icons var toggleVotingIcons = document.querySelectorAll('.pp-toggle-voting'); for (var i = 0; i < toggleVotingIcons.length; ++i) { var toggleVotingIcon = toggleVotingIcons[i]; if (toggleVotingIcon) toggleVotingIcon.addEventListener('click', function (e) { self.toggleVote(e); }); } // toggle play/pause listener var togglePlayerButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.pp-toggle-play-pause'); var _loop = function _loop(_i) { var togglePlayerButton = togglePlayerButtons[_i]; if (togglePlayerButton) togglePlayerButton.addEventListener('click', function () { var persistentPlayerButton = togglePlayerButton.classList.contains('persistent-player-controls'); var playButton = togglePlayerButton.querySelectorAll('.ui-icon-play').length > 0 || togglePlayerButton.classList.contains('ui-icon-play'); var retryButton = togglePlayerButton.querySelectorAll('.ui-icon-retry').length > 0 || togglePlayerButton.classList.contains('ui-icon-retry'); if (self.args.playerFallback) {'' + self.args.stationID + '/sgplayer/player.php', 'playerpopup', 'width=974,height=450,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0'); } else { window.fireEvent('TogglePlayer'); } // send analytics for play-interaction if (playButton || retryButton) { self.args.dataLayerFn(self.args.analyticsEvent, { element: persistentPlayerButton ? 'persistent' : 'header', elementSubTitle: playButton ? 'play' : 'retry' }); } }); }; for (var _i = 0; _i < togglePlayerButtons.length; ++_i) { _loop(_i); } ; // buy now listener window.addEventListener('BuyNow', function (event) { if (!historyId || historyId !== || !event.detail.linkUrl) return; self.setCMGPPDetails('buyLink', event.detail.linkUrl); self.updatePlayerInfo(); }); // lsp listener (music sites) var historyId; window.addEventListener('LSP', function (event) { var playerVoting = document.getElementById('player-voting'); var playerVotingExpanded = document.getElementById('player-voting_expanded'); var latest = &&[0]; if (!latest) return; var newId = latest.isSong ? : null; if (historyId !== newId) self.setCMGPPDetails('buyLink', ''); if (latest.isSong) { var thumbnailUrl = self.args.stationLogoSmall; if (latest.artists.length && latest.artists[0].metadata && latest.artists[0].metadata.thumbnailUrl) { thumbnailUrl = latest.artists[0].metadata.thumbnailUrl; } var epImageUrl = latest.artists.length && latest.artists[0].metadata && latest.artists[0].metadata.mediumImageUrl ? latest.artists[0].metadata.mediumImageUrl : self.args.stationLogo; var fetchTivoImageBinary = function fetchTivoImageBinary(variable, url) { function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) { var binary = ''; var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); var len = bytes.byteLength; for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < len; _i2 += 1) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[_i2]); } return window.btoa(binary); } var headers = new Headers({ 'x-tmm-keyid': 'TAC1003', 'x-tmm-apikey': event.detail.TIVO_API_KEY }); var options = { method: 'GET', headers: headers, mode: 'cors' }; var promise = fetch(url, options).then(function (response) { var buffer = response.arrayBuffer(); return buffer; }).then(function (buffer) { var b64encoded = arrayBufferToBase64(buffer); var data = "data:image/jpeg;base64, ".concat(b64encoded); self.setCMGPPDetails(variable, data); }); return promise; }; if (thumbnailUrl !== self.args.stationLogoSmall && epImageUrl !== self.args.stationLogo && !thumbnailUrl.includes('cps-static') && !!event.detail.TIVO_API_KEY) { var thumbnailPromise = fetchTivoImageBinary('thumbnailUrl', thumbnailUrl); var epImagePromise = fetchTivoImageBinary('largeImageUrl', epImageUrl); Promise.any([thumbnailPromise, epImagePromise]); } else { self.setCMGPPDetails('thumbnailUrl', thumbnailUrl); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageUrl', epImageUrl); } // song info is injected by StreamGuys var sgTitle = document.getElementById('songTitle'); var sgArtist = document.getElementById('songArtist'); var sgAlbum = document.getElementById('songAlbum'); var albumTitle = ''; if (sgAlbum) { var titleMatch = sgTitle && sgTitle.innerHTML.toLowerCase() === latest.title.toLowerCase(); var artistMatch = sgArtist && sgArtist.innerHTML.toLowerCase() === latest.artist.toLowerCase(); if (titleMatch && artistMatch) { // use the streamguys provided album if the title and artist match albumTitle = sgAlbum.innerHTML; } else if (historyId === newId) { // don't change the currently displayed album name if lsp has not updated albumTitle = self.getCMGPPDetails('albumTitle'); } } self.setCMGPPDetails('albumTitle', albumTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageAlt', latest.artists.length && latest.artists[0].metadata && latest.artists[0].metadata.mediumImageUrl ? latest.artist : self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('artist', latest.artist); self.setCMGPPDetails('title', latest.title); if (latest.artists[0]) { self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', '/lsp/artist/bio/' + latest.artists[0].slug + '/'); } else { self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', ''); } playerVoting.classList.remove('hidden'); playerVotingExpanded.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { self.setCMGPPDetails('thumbnailUrl', self.args.stationLogoSmall); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageUrl', self.args.stationLogo); self.setCMGPPDetails('largeImageAlt', self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('artist', self.args.stationStatement); self.setCMGPPDetails('title', self.args.stationTitle); self.setCMGPPDetails('albumTitle', ''); self.setCMGPPDetails('linkUrl', ''); playerVoting.classList.add('hidden'); playerVotingExpanded.classList.add('hidden'); } // fire the event after we've already done all of our processing to avoid data mutation side-effects var detail = { type: 'LSP', data: event.detail }; window.fireEvent(self.args.type, detail); historyId = newId; self.updatePlayerInfo(); }); // scheduler listener (newstalk) window.addEventListener('Scheduler', function (event) { var data = {}; if (event.detail.current) { var current = event.detail.current; data.thumbnailUrl = self.args.stationLogoSmall; if (current.images && current.images.square) { data.thumbnailUrl = current.images.square; } if (current.images && current.images.lowres) { data.largeImageUrl = current.images.lowres; data.largeImageAlt = current.title; } else { data.largeImageUrl = self.args.stationLogo; data.largeImageAlt = self.args.stationTitle; } data.artist =; data.title = current.title; data.linkUrl = current.url; } else { data.thumbnailUrl = self.args.stationLogoSmall; data.largeImageUrl = self.args.stationLogo; data.largeImageAlt = self.args.stationTitle; data.artist = self.args.stationStatement; data.title = self.args.stationTitle; data.linkUrl = ''; } // exceptions if (self.args.stationURL === '') { data.linkUrl = '/bonetv'; } // send the normalized data to other components var detail = { type: 'Scheduler', data: { image: data.largeImageUrl, imageAlt: data.largeImageAlt, title: data.title, time: data.artist, url: data.linkUrl, original: event.detail } }; window.fireEvent(self.args.type, detail); // only update the persistent player info if this is not a music site if (!self.args.isMusicSite) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { self.setCMGPPDetails(key, data[key]); }); self.updatePlayerInfo(); } }); // modal button listeners var modal = document.getElementById('player-retry-modal'); if (modal) { var closeModal = document.getElementById('closeModal'); if (closeModal) closeModal.addEventListener('click', function () { modal.classList.add('hidden'); document.body.classList.remove('locked'); }); var retryButton = document.getElementById('retryPlay'); if (retryButton) retryButton.addEventListener('click', function () { self.args.dataLayerFn(self.args.analyticsEvent, { element: 'retry modal', elementSubTitle: 'retry' }); modal.classList.add('hidden'); document.body.classList.remove('locked'); window.fireEvent('TogglePlayer'); }); } ; // adjust persistent player volume var volumeButton = document.getElementById("volumeButton"); if (volumeButton) { volumeButton.oninput = function () { var playerControls = document.getElementById('playerControls'); var playerControlsStyle = getComputedStyle(playerControls); var backgroundColor = self.args.isMusicSite ? 'white' : playerControlsStyle.backgroundColor; = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + backgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + backgroundColor + ' ' + this.value + '%, #afafaf ' + this.value + '%, #afafaf 100%)'; var newVolume = / 100; _sgplayer.setVol(_sgplayer.audioElement, newVolume); }; } }, init: function init(type, isMusicSite, stationTitle, stationStatement, stationLogoSmall, stationLogo, stationURL, facebookAppID, playerFallback, stationID, analyticsEvent, dataLayerFn) { this.player = document.getElementById('persistent-player'); if (!this.player) return null; = stationLogoSmall; = stationLogo; = stationTitle; this.args = { type: type, isMusicSite: isMusicSite, stationTitle: stationTitle, stationStatement: stationStatement, stationLogoSmall: stationLogoSmall, stationLogo: stationLogo, stationURL: stationURL, facebookAppID: facebookAppID, playerFallback: playerFallback, stationID: stationID, analyticsEvent: analyticsEvent, dataLayerFn: dataLayerFn }; this.setUpFacebookShare(facebookAppID); this.setUpEventListeners(); return; } };});

Margot Robbie, Zendaya, Ryan Reynolds and more nominated for 2024 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 6686

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.