Hogwarts Legacy: All Collection Chests Locations (2024)

Below is a list of every Collection Chest in Hogwarts Legacy. There are 155 Collection Chests in total.

Some Collection Chests can be found out in the open, while others require you to solve a puzzle before you can open them. For more information on those puzzle doors, see our guide: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Open Animal Symbol Doors.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds

There are 33 Collection Chests to find in Hogwarts Grounds.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Alchemy Class

Location: Alchemy Class

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, turn left, go up the first steps, then head through the door ahead. Go down the next steps and through another door. Keep descending all the stairs. When you reach the large dragon statue, go right down the corridor, and straight ahead is a locked door with loads of cauldrons outside (requires Alohom*ora Level 2 to unlock). Once inside, this Collection Chest can be found over to the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Arithmancy Class #1

Location: Viaduct Entrance

From the Divination Classroom Floo Flames, turn around and go up the wooden steps into the rafters. Go along the walkway until you can turn right. At the end of this path is the puzzle door, and behind it is the Collection Chest.

Turn around and open the small chest on the bench to find the Arithmancy Study Guide Page. You can view this from your Inventory in the Quest Items section. The numbers on the sheet correspond to the creatures outlining the arch of the doorway. Use this information to decipher the symbols on the door, then roll the question marks to the matching ones to complete the puzzle. The solution is shown in the above images.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Arithmancy Class #2

Location: Arithmancy Class

After opening the puzzle door for Arithmancy Class #1, continue through the corridor until you reach a classroom. Head over to the left-hand puzzle door and enter the above pictured symbols to open it, revealing the Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Arithmancy Class #3

Location: Arithmancy Class

After opening the puzzle door for Arithmancy Class #1, continue through the corridor until you reach a classroom. Head to the puzzle door straight ahead and enter the above pictured solutions. Behind the door is this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Bell Tower #1

Location: Bell Tower

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, head left up the stairs and continue ascending the staircase. Upon reaching the music room, head to the back-left corner where you can continue climbing the tower. Follow the steps all the way up until you reach the balcony of the tower. Go around the corner to the right to find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Bell Tower #2

Location: Bell Tower

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, head left up the stairs and continue ascending the staircase. Upon reaching the music room, head to the back-left corner where you can continue climbing the tower. Follow the steps all the way up until you reach the balcony of the tower. To your right will be a frog statue — interact with it and you’ll end up on the opposite tower. Just ahead to the right will be this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Bell Tower #3

Location: Bell Tower

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, head left up the stairs and continue ascending the staircase. Upon reaching the music room, head to the back-left corner where you can continue climbing the tower. Follow the steps all the way up until you reach the balcony of the tower. To your right will be a frog statue — interact with it and you’ll end up on the opposite tower. Around the corner to the left, you can find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Central Hall

Location: Central Hall

From the Central Hall Floo Flames, head down the stairs and turn left at the fountain. Down these steps to the right is the puzzle door. The first question mark is to the left of the door, and the second is on the floor above. See above images for the solutions.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Charms Classroom

Location: Charms Classroom

From the Charms Classroom Floo Flames, go down the steps and into the Charms classroom to the right. Immediately on the left are some stairs leading up to a locked door (requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Through the door, head up the spiral staircase. At the top, go through the door and straight ahead, you’ll find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Clock Tower #1

Location: Clock Tower

Note: This collectible requires that you have learned Arresto Momentum.

From the Hospital Wing Floo Flames, head right towards the clock tower. Descend the wooden steps and go across to the other side of the mechanism. Descend to the next floor and ahead to the right you’ll see a door with a metal grate, which partially slides away and then slams back.

To open this door, go back to the left. You need to match the symbol on the door to the one the pendulum is swinging beside. In this case, when the pendulum is over the second symbol in from the right, cast Arresto Momentum at it. Quickly go through the door. Straight ahead will be this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Clock Tower #2

Location: Clock Tower

Note: This collectible requires that you have learned Arresto Momentum.

From the Hospital Wing Floo Flames, head right towards the clock tower. Descend the wooden steps and go across to the other side of the mechanism. Descend to the next floor and ahead to the right you’ll see a door with a metal grate, which partially slides away and then slams back.

To open this door, go back to the left. You need to match the symbol on the door to the one the pendulum is swinging beside. In this case, when the pendulum is over the second symbol in from the right, cast Arresto Momentum at it. Quickly go through the door. On the right will be this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower #1

Location: Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower

From the Charms Classroom Floo Flames, go around the corner to the left to find a puzzle door. See the above images for the solutions to open it and find the Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower #2

Location: Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower

From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames, turn right and go inside. To the right of the big staircase is a locked door between two gargoyles (requires Alohom*ora Level 2 to open). The Collection Chest is on the table towards the back of the room.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Faculty Tower #1

Location: Faculty Tower

From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, turn around, go through the door, and cross to the other side. Back inside, turn right and continue through the corridor. Up the stairs, you’ll see a statue of a frog next to a spiral staircase. Approach it and press Square to interact. You’ll emerge in a new room. Light your way with Lumos, and the Collection Chest will be on the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Faculty Tower #2

Location: Faculty Tower (This particular area only accessible after completing the Main Quest The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament)

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flames, walk down the corridor and enter the door on the right. Go up the stairs ahead, and you’ll find a puzzle door to the left. The first question mark is immediately left of the door, and the second is off to the right. See above for the solutions, and the Collection Chest is in the room behind the door.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Faculty Tower #3

Location: Faculty Tower

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flames, head forward and then through to the private faculty area. Ascend the stairs two floors, and go through the door next to the bejewelled tortoise shell. Inside, go to the fireplace ahead and cast Glacius on the fire. Crawl through and ascend all the stairs to find a small hidden room. Walk across the room to find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Grand Staircase #1

Location: Grand Staircase

From the Grand Staircase Floo Flames, go up the stairs, then turn right and go up more stairs. Around to the left you'll find the puzzle door. The first question mark is next to the door, and the second is back down the stairs, to the left of the Floo Flames. See above for the solutions.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Grand Staircase #2

Location: Grand Staircase

From the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flames, turn right and descend one flight of stairs on the Grand Staircase. You will find a puzzle door to the left. The first question mark is back up the stairs on the wall, and the second is directly opposite the door. See above images for solutions. The Collection Chest is inside the room that opens up.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Grand Staircase #3

Location: Grand Staircase

To access the headmaster's office, you’ll first need to learn the password, which you’ll do during the Main Quest named The Polyjuice Plot. After completing this quest and the next, Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial, you will be able to go into the headmaster’s office whenever you like.

From the Trophy Room Floo Flames, follow the corridor all the way around to the right to find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Go through and follow the winding corridor up some steps. You'll come to a large spiral staircase with a door at the top. Go through and head left to find a large gargoyle guarding the headmaster’s office. Speak the password and follow the stairs up. To the left, you’ll find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 2 to unlock). On the other side, follow the steps up to the right and you’ll find another locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 3 to unlock). Follow the stairs up to the headmaster’s study, and on the right you’ll find a key you can pick up on the table.

Go back and leave the headmaster's office. Go across the hallway to find an ornate locked door. Use the key you just found to unlock it, then follow the spiral stairs all the way to the top. Look left among some piles of books to find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Grand Staircase #4

Location: Grand Staircase

To access the headmaster's office, you’ll first need to learn the password, which you’ll do during the Main Quest named The Polyjuice Plot. After completing this quest and the next, Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial, you will be able to go into the headmaster’s office whenever you like.

From the Trophy Room Floo Flames, follow the corridor all the way around to the right to find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Go through and follow the winding corridor up some steps. You'll come to a large spiral staircase with a door at the top. Go through and head left to find a large gargoyle guarding the headmaster’s office. Speak the password and follow the stairs up. To the left, you’ll find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 2 to unlock). On the other side, follow the steps up to the right and you’ll find another locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 3 to unlock). Follow the stairs up to the headmaster’s study, and on the right you’ll find a key you can pick up on the table.

Go back and leave the headmaster's office. Go across the hallway to find an ornate locked door. Use the key you just found to unlock it, then follow the spiral stairs all the way to the top. This Collection Chest can be found to the back left of the room.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds The Great Hall #1

Location: The Great Hall

From the Great Hall Floo Flames, turn left and then left again to find a puzzle door. Use the above images to input the solution on each of the question marks. This Collection Chest is beyond the door on the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds The Great Hall #2

Location: Great Hall

From the Great Hall Floo Flames, go down the western wall of the hall. You will find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora to open). Inside, the Collection Chest is over to the left.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds The Headmaster's Office

Location: The Headmaster's Office

To access the headmaster’s office, you’ll first need to learn the password, which you’ll do during the Main Quest named The Polyjuice Plot. After completing this quest and the next, Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial, you will be able to go into the headmaster’s office whenever you like.

From the Trophy Room Floo Flames, follow the corridor all the way around to the right to find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Go through and follow the winding corridor up some steps. You’ll come to a large spiral staircase with a door at the top. Go through and head left to find a large gargoyle guarding the headmaster’s office. Speak the password and follow the stairs up. In the office, go over to the left to find this Collection Chest sat next to a telescope.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Kitchens

Location: Kitchens

From the Grand Staircase Floo Flames, look right and go down the spiral staircase. At the bottom, you’ll see a large painting of fruit on the left. Press Square to interact and then go through the secret door into the kitchens. The Collection Chest can be found at the back of the kitchens next to a cabinet with lots of crockery on it.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Library — Restricted Section

Location: Library — Restricted Section

You can find this Collection Chest during the Main Quest Secrets of the Restricted Section. As you progress through the Restricted Section, you’ll come into a dark room where this chest is sat on a table.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Long Gallery

Location: Long Gallery (Requires the spell Alohom*ora to gain access. This spell is earned by completing the Main Quest The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament)

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, turn around and go through the large wooden door (will need to be unlocked if you haven’t already). Down the stairs, you can find a puzzle door on the right. The first question mark is to the left of the door, and the second is to the right, in the corner by the stairs. See the above images for solutions. Once the door is open, the Collection Chest is at the back of the next room.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds North Hall

Location: North Hall

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flames, go left up the stairs and through the door. Ascend all the stairs, and you’ll see a locked door ahead (requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Inside, go forward to find a puzzle door. The first question mark is to the left, and the second is to the right. See above images for the solutions. The Collection Chest is inside on the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Professor Fig's Classroom

Location: Professor Fig's Classroom

From the Professor Fig's Classroom Floo Flames, head inside the classroom. In the left-hand corner, you'll find the Collection Chest sat on a table.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Ravenclaw Tower

Location: Ravenclaw Tower

From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flames, head over to the right and you’ll see a puzzle door on the right. The question mark symbols can be found on the opposite wall. See above for the solutions to retrieve the Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Viaduct #1

Location: Viaduct

From the Central Hall Floo Flames, ascend the stairs and head out the large doors. On this bridge are four braziers; light each of them with Incendio or Confringo. You'll notice a grate on the floor with four symbols and four numbers. These correspond to the braziers. Interact with each of them so that they show the matching numbers. The grate will open, and you can climb down a ladder to a lower level. Down here, look to the left for this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Grounds Viaduct #2

Location: Viaduct

From the Central Hall Floo Flames, ascend the stairs and head out the large doors. On this bridge are four braziers; light each of them with Incendio or Confringo. You'll notice a grate on the floor with four symbols and four numbers. These correspond to the braziers. Interact with each of them so that they show the matching numbers. The grate will open, and you can climb down a ladder to a lower level. Down here, look to the right for this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade

There are 5 Collection Chests to find in Hogsmeade.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade North of Honeydukes

Location: North of Honeydukes

From the North Hogsmeade Floo Flames, go right up the path out of the square. On the right is a small house with a locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 3 to unlock). Inside, the Collection Chest is on the right at the foot of the bed.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade South Hogsmeade

Location: South Hogsmeade

From the South Hogsmeade Floo Flames, turn around and go to the right of the house directly behind the Floo Flames. The door will be locked (requires Alohom*ora Level 3 to unlock). Inside, go upstairs and the Collection Chest is on the left-hand side of the bed.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade Spire Alley

Location: Spire Alley

From the South Hogsmeade Floo Flames, go to the right and follow the path as it curves around to the left. On your right will be a small house with a locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 3 to unlock). Inside, the Collection Chest is just on the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade The Three Broomsticks

Location: The Three Broomsticks

From the South Hogsmeade Floo Flames, head northwest up the road to The Three Broomsticks. Go inside and go up the stairs on the left. Follow the stairs as they wind up to a locked door (Requires Alohom*ora to unlock). Inside, the Collection Chest is against the wall on the right.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade Valley

There are 8 Collection Chests to find in Hogsmeade Valley.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade Valley Overlook Mine #1

Location: Overlook Mine

You’ll enter Overlook Mine during the Main Quest named In the Shadow of the Mine. Near the beginning of the mine you’ll slide down to a new area. Head over to the left to see a large cobweb. Burn it away with magic, and this Collection Chest is in the next room.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogsmeade Valley Overlook Mine #2

Location: Overlook Mine

You’ll enter Overlook Mine during the Main Quest named In the Shadow of the Mine. After defeating the first set of spider enemies, you’ll go into a narrow passage. Veer to the right, using Lumos to deter the Devil’s Snare. Continue and on the right, go through the small gap to find this Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations North Hogwarts Region

There are 7 Collection Chests to find in North Hogwarts Region.

All Collection Chests Locations North Hogwarts Region Bandit Camp #1

Location: Small Bandit Camp

You'll visit this Bandit Camp during the course of the Main Quest The Helm of Urtkot. After dealing with the enemies, the Collection Chest can be found inside the blue tent.

All Collection Chests Locations North Hogwarts Region The Collector's Cave

Location: The Collector's Cave

You will enter The Collector's Cave during the Main Quest The Helm of Urtkot. After defeating the first group of enemies (Inferi), continue through the tomb. After making your way through the third moth door, continue to the left. In the next room, look right and cast Depulso on the doors to blast them open. Next, use Accio or Wingardium Leviosa to move the crate over to the right. Climb up to find the Collection Chest.

All Collection Chests Locations South Hogwarts Region

There are 9 Collection Chests to find in South Hogwarts Region.

All Collection Chests Locations South Hogwarts Region Lower Hogsfield #1

Location: Lower Hogsfield

From the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flames, head into the village and run along the edge of the lake. You’ll find this Collection Chest under an upturned cart.

All Collection Chests Locations South Hogwarts Region Lower Hogsfield #2

Location: Lower Hogsfield

From the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flames, head into the village. Follow the cobbled path to the left and around to the back of the house. This Collection Chest is sat on some crates near the Vendor.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Valley

There are 15 Collection Chests to find in Hogwarts Valley.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Valley The Mine's Eye #1

Location: The Mine’s Eye

During the Main Quest named It’s All Gobbledegook, you’ll enter a large mine. Part way through, while you’re looking for the goblin documents, go up some stairs and you’ll find a grate you can interact with. Cast Depulso at it and crawl through the tunnel. On the other side, you’ll find the Collection Chest straight ahead.

All Collection Chests Locations Hogwarts Valley The Mine's Eye #2

Location: The Mine’s Eye

During the Main Quest named It’s All Gobbledegook, you’ll enter a large mine. Part way through, while you’re looking for the goblin documents, you’ll pass through one of the eye doors and then light a boiler on the right. Go back out the door and pull down the lever to bring down an elevator. Ride the elevator up, then follow the path left and then left again up some steps. You’ll find a locked door (requires Alohom*ora Level 2 to unlock). Inside, the Collection Chest can be seen to the left.

Hogwarts Legacy: All Collection Chests Locations (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.