Guide for My Time at Portia (2024)

Story Walkthrough Page 1

As a bit of a precursor to the story walkthrough, here are a few things you should take into consideration:

  1. This page has the Main Missions you need to complete, along with some other Secondary Missions that I found triggered along the way.
  2. Not every secondary mission is listed here.
  3. There are a couple of missions listed here that may not trigger until later/earlier than listed here.
  4. You should start working on relationships with everyone listed in the Important NPC Relationships as soon as you can. From the get go, the most important by far are Pinky, Phyllis and Gust.
  5. If you start any mission, look to see if it has a time limit. If it does, prioritise it over any that do not have time limits. Failing missions will affect your relationships with people.
  6. Spoiler tags have been used just to help manage the amount of information.

Below is the Table of Contents with all of the Main Missions in chronological order. If a mission triggers multiple main missions, this will be indicated. Secondary Missions that should naturally occur during the main story are also included, but bear in mind that when they actually start may vary between players.

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  • Welcome to Portia

Getting Started

  • Go to the Commerce Guild
  • The Builder Test
  • Register Your Workshop
  • Secondary Mission: Meet and Greet
  • Secondary Mission: Furniture Maker
    • The Archaeologist
    • Mysterious Data Disc and Mysterious Data Disc 2
    • Strange Lenses and Color-Blind Correction Glasses
    • Hazardous Ruins

Unlocking Amber Island

  • Bridge to Amber Island
  • Missable Achievement Preparation - City Transport

  • The Cave on Amber Island
  • Town Improvement Subplot
    • Assemble Dee-Dee Transport
    • The Dee-Dee Stops Here
    • Diagram for the Dee-Dee Stop
    • Let There Be Light
  • Portia Tree Farm Subplot
    • Fixing the Fence
    • Panbat Infestation
    • Saving the Tree Farm

Unlocking WOW Industries and Meeting Ack

  • The Bassanio Lift
  • The Poisoned Water
  • The Crashed Station
  • Fixing Ack
  • Portia Museum
    • Construction Crane

Unlocking Eufaula Desert

  • The Portia Bridge
  • The Eufaula Tunnel
  • Rescue in Ingall's Mine
  • A Green Wall
  • The Driller

Missions Outside of the Main Story Timeline

  • The Farmer
  • Winter Solstice
  • McDonald's Stable
  • The Debt Collectors
  • Read All About It!

Welcome to Portia

When you start the game, you'll be able to customize your character, and then you'll pick a birthday. The calendar has four seasons, each with 28 days. Any icons on the calendar refer to festivals and special events.

You'll then meet Presley, and he'll take you to your workshop. Once there, you'll receive a letter and the Workshop Handbook. Presley will tell you to visit the Portia Commerce Guild tomorrow. Once you've said goodbye, your character will automatically go to bed.

You'll also have unlock the following for arriving at Portia.

  • Newcomer

    Arrive at Portia.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (1)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (2)Guide for My Time at Portia (3)Guide for My Time at Portia (4)

Getting Started

Go to the Commerce Guild

Mission Details

  • Go to the Commerce Guild

Time Limit

  • None


  • 10 Relationship with Presley

This mission automatically starts on the second day. The Commerce Guild is in Portia, just north of your Workshop/house. You'll be able to find the building easily enough, as the name is above the entrance, and on the mini-map will be a gold star.

When you leave your Workshop, you should notice that there's a mail icon above your mailbox. This means you have mail. Leave your workshop, and if you look to the stone wall opposite your workshop, you'll find a blue treasure chest. This has a pair of Worn Gloves inside. These can be used as a weapon if you equip them in you inventory bar. While you don't need to open any treasure chests in the game, if you come across one, open it.

When you're speaking to Presley in the Commerce Guild, you'll have a dialog option to select. Pick whichever one you want to continue on. This will complete this mission and automatically start the next one.

The Builder Test

Mission Details

  • Complete the two Builder Tests and get your Builder's License

Time Limit

  • None


  • 150 EXP
  • 10 Relationship with Presley
  • 1 x Builder's License

You'll need to complete two tests to get your Builder's License.

Test One - Craft a Pickaxe and a Simple Axe

This test serves as the introduction to crafting with your Worktable. In order to craft a Pickaxe and Simple Axe, you'll need to gather some Wood and Stone resources. If you go back to your Workshop, look on the ground to find a few piles of Wood and/or Stone. Go over to these and press Guide for My Time at Portia (5) to gather them (images below shows what you're looking for).

You'll need to collect a total of 13 Wood and 13 Stone and then head to your Workshop. Locate your Worktable in the yard, and interact with it. Tab over to the Tools tab (it has a pickaxe image) and craft of items. The Simple Axe needs 5 x Wood and 8 x Stone, and the Pickaxe needs 8 x Wood and 5 x Stone.

Once you've crafted them both, go back to the Commerce Guild and speak to Presley.

From here on out, never go anywhere without your Pickaxe and Axe in your inventory bar. It's just not worth the hassle. Having them in your inventory bar is for easy access, as you'll be using them both a lot.

The Second Test

The second test sees you needing to craft a Stone Furnace. This serves as your introduction to the Assembly Station. Go to your Assembly Station - it's in your Workshop's yard - and interact with it. This opens your Handbook, which is where you'll find the blueprint for the Stone Furnace.Select it using the D-Pad, and an outline of the Stone Furnace will appear on the Station. You'll then need to collect/craft the materials to craft the Stone Furnace. The materials you'll need are:

  • 1 x Stone Stool - Stone Stools are crafted at the Worktable, under the furniture tab. 1 x Stone Stool requires 10 x Stone to craft.
  • 10 x Wood

Now that you have your Pickaxe and Axe, you'll be able to break down smaller boulders (with the Pickaxe) and smaller trees (with the Axe). With the materials acquired, ensure that they're in your inventory bar. Then head over to the Assembly Station, and select the materials to place them. If you don't have them selected in your inventory bar, the game will not acknowledge that you have them and won't place them on the Station. Once you've crafted the Stone Furnace, retrieve it and you can then place it in your Yard. You want to do that, as the Stone Furnace will be your starting furnace for smelting metal bars.

Furnaces is a fundamental tool for you, and when you get to being able to build some of the better ones, it's worth investing the time into having a couple of them. This is because the furnaces will be how to produce metal bars and glass, which are required to build pretty much all of the important things in the game.

Head back to Presley in the Commerce Guild to complete this task. Doing so will complete this mission, and you'll be rewarded with your Builder's License.

Register Your Workshop

Mission Details

  • Register your Workshop

Time Limit

  • None


  • 30 Workshop Reputation
  • 300 Exp

Now that you have your Builder's License, you'll need to register your Workshop with the Mayor, Gale. You'll find Gale in the Mayor's Office, which is to the right of the Commerce Guild. He'll be sitting at his desk. You'll then be able to name your Workshop.

Once you've done that, go back to Presley in the Commerce Guild. He'll explain the Commissions Board to you, and after a cutscene, you'll be give a Commission for building a Bridge to Amber Island. This Commission is your next main mission, and doesn't have a time limit to it. Presley will inform you that in order to build this bridge, you will need to enter the Abandoned Ruin #1 to collect the materials that you will need.

You'll also unlock

  • I am a Builder

    Register your workshop.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (8)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (9)Guide for My Time at Portia (10)Guide for My Time at Portia (11)

When you're able to, I'd recommend picking up a Commission from the board in the Commerce Guild. They'll be incredibly simple commissions, so pick the easiest one you can find to complete. This will allow you to get a couple of Gols that will make life easier. Be careful though, all Commissions have a time limit, so when you pick them, do them. You can only pick up one Commission a day (expect for special cases further into the game), so it's a good idea to pick one that you can complete that day, and has good rewards. All of the Commissions change every day, so you can't attempt to prepare yourself for the next Commission.

A good idea, if you really want the best Commissions every day, is to try and get to the Guild when it opens at 8am during the week. This is because you will have some competition in the form of Higgins, your Workshop Rival. He goes to the guild at opening time every day to try and get the best Commission going. However, if you're not bothered about that, you can use Higgins to your advantage. To do this, whenever he goes to the Guild at 8am, run down to where his workshop is. There are two furnaces outside. In the furnace on the right (closest to the building), you'll find a metal bar in there for you to steal. As long as Higgins doesn't catch you, there will be no repercussions. If he does catch you, you'll just have to fight him, which isn't the worst thing in the world.


Side Tasks

With your Builder's License collected, it's time to fix up your house, as you probably would have noticed that your character complained of a draft in the house. If you leave these gaps in your house, you won't regain all of your stamina upon waking up in the morning. It doesn't take much to repair these. You want to go out and collect 36 wood - this is the amount you'll need to fix all of the gaps in the house. It'll be a quick finish now that you have an Axe to chop down trees.

Also on the first day possible, stay up until 3am. Doing so will unlock

  • Too Tired

    Forced to sleep at 3:00 in the morning.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (12)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (13)Guide for My Time at Portia (14)

Secondary Mission: Meet and Greet

Mission Details

  • Visit all of Portia's shop owners.

Time Limit

  • None


  • 50 Exp
  • 10 Workshop Reputation

There's no particular order in which you need to speak to the Shop Owners. Here is a list of them all, and the rewards for speaking to them:

  • Dr. Xu, owner of the Clinic.
  • Django, owner of The Round Table.
  • Paulie, owner of Best Brother.
  • Mars, owner of Total Tools.
  • Carol, owner of the Clothing Store.
  • Albert, co-owner of A&G Construction.
  • Sophie, runs Sophie's Ranch.

The map will help you to locate all of the shops. Use Guide for My Time at Portia (15) to zoom in and out.

Secondary Mission: Furniture Maker

On Day 3, Month 1, you'll get a letter from Paulie, with a Commission for you.

Mission Details

  • Make 3 x Copper Blades

Time Limit

  • None


  • 600 Exp
  • 210 Gols
  • 20 Workshop Reputation
  • 10 Relationship with Paulie

In order to complete this, you're going to need to build a Grinder. To build a Grinder, you're going to need to go into Abandoned Ruins #1. Due to the amount you'll need to do, this mission is in the spoiler tags below.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

While completing Secondary Mission: Furniture Maker, you may have come across a couple of items that will have triggered a few missions:

The Archaeologist

Triggers upon finding a Relic piece in Abandoned Ruins #1.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Mysterious Data Disc and Mysterious Data Disc 2

Triggers upon finding a Data Disc in Abandoned Ruins #1.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Strange Lenses and Color-Blind Correction Glasses

Triggers upon finding 2 x Eye Glasses in Abandoned Ruins #1.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***


It's a good that when you start this portion of the story, you spend time in the Abandoned Ruins #1 collecting materials. You're going to want to upgrade your Simple Axe and Pickaxe

You can upgrade your Simple Axe to a Bronze Axe with the following:

  • 1 x Simple Axe
  • 2 x Bronze Bar
  • 1 x Upgrade Kit (Purchase this from Total Tools)

To upgrade your Pickaxe to a Bronze Pickaxe, you'll need:

  • 1 x Pickaxe
  • 2 x Bronze Bar
  • 1 x Upgrade Kit

And if you can, craft yourself a Bronze Sword. You'll need a Practice Sword (which requires 8 x Wood and 3 x Hardwood):

A Bronze Sword requires:

  • 1 x Practice Sword
  • 5 x Bronze Bar
  • 1 x Upgrade Kit

By spending some time in the Abandoned Ruins #1, you will probably have gathered a few Data Discs. When you do, you need to take (a minimum of five) them to Petra at the Research Center. She'll take them from you, and in return, you'll be given blueprints for crafting stations what you are going to need. Keep spending time between the Ruins and chopping Wood/mining Stone around the edge of Portia. You're going to want to get the blueprints for, and then craft the following stations:

  • Grinder
  • Civil Cutter
  • Basic Skiver

And from these stations, keep collecting Data Discs until you get the blueprints for (and craft):

  • Civil Furnace

While it may seem like you're spending time not progressing the story, having these items will actually help you in the long run. If you have followed the money-making tips in the Hints and Tips, you may also have enough resources and Gols to upgrade the Worktable to Level 2.

While doing all of this, you will probably have experienced the Day of the Bright Sun Festival and Fishing Day Festival. (Links to the information about these at the end of this page). It's worth doing these two festivals in your first year, as it will help you with getting a few Gols, and on the Day of the Bright Sun festival, you can get an achievement out the way. There's only one festival that you need to partake in, and that's the Winter Solstice (Day 23, Month 4), and that's due to an achievement. The only thing worth doing on festival days is to give gifts to the relevant people, as you'll get double relationship points.

You can also go about completing the following mission.

Hazardous Ruins

Triggers when approaching the gate to the Collapsed Wasteland.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

With all that done, it's time to proceed with the main story.


Unlocking Amber Island

Bridge to Amber Island

Mission Details

  • Build the Bridge - 2 x Wooden Bridge Head, and 1 x Wooden Bridge Body
  • Report to Antoine.

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1000 Exp
  • 1800 Gols
  • 150 Workshop Reputation

In order to complete this mission, you'll need:

  • Level 1 Worktable
  • Level 1 Assembly Station
  • 1 x Stone Furnace
  • 1 x Grinder
  • 1 x Civil Cutter

After you've completed the Register Your Workshop mission, Presley will explain the Commerce Guild. Higgins will leave with the last commission on the board, and then after this Arlo will appear with a new commission from the Mayor, Gale. By the end of this, you'll be given the new commission, which will see you needing to build 2 x Wooden Bridge Head, and 1 x Wooden Bridge Body, and then install them in the correct location.

The materials you'll need to craft both pieces are:

  • Wooden Bridge Head - 3 x Copper Pipe and 5 x Hardwood Plank
    For the Copper Pipes, use Copper Bars on the Grinder. For Hardwood Planks, you need a Bronze Axe to chop down medium to large trees.
  • Wooden Bridge Body - 12 x Stone Brick and 5 x Bronze Plate
    For the Stone Bricks, smelt Stone in a Furnace. For the Bronze Plates, use Bronze Bars on a Cutter.

Once you've crafted the required items, install them in the designated area (this will be shown on the map) and then report to Antoine. He will give you your rewards, and the mission will be completed.

The day after you've completed the mission, you'll receive a letter in the mail from the Civil Corps letting you know that a new Ruin is open, the Abandoned Ruins #2. Access to this Ruin is 300 Gols a week.

The Sunday after completing the mission will have a Fireside Meeting, where Gale will discuss the thefts that have been occurring in Portia. Gale will then call you to his office on the Monday, with a commission to craft a Removable Battery, to restore power to the Amber Island Cave (this initiates The Cave on Amber Island mission).

If your Workshop reaches Rank C, you'll get a letter from Antoine saying that you are now able to undertake inspections in the Commerce Guild on Saturday and Sunday. These are quite useful to do, and all you have to do is identify two mistakes on a item (there's 4 different items per day), and then you'll be given rewards based on how your inspection goes.

And with the bridge built, you'll be able to access Amber Island, where there are a couple of spots to use for play dates, a fishing spot and a few creatures to kill.

Missable Achievement Preparation - City Transport

This isn't a mission, but you want to build 5 Dee-Dee Transports BEFORE going into the Cave on Amber Island. So put your of your focus into this before proceeding with the story.

So at this point, you're going to have completed Bridge to Amber Island, but you are not going to progress any further. What you're going to do is ensure that you have the following Crafting Stations:

  • 1 x Civil Furnace and 1 x Stone Furnace
  • 1 x Basic Skiver
  • 1 x Civil Cutter

You're also going to need a Level 2 Worktable. To upgrade the Worktable, you'll need 20 x Wooden Boards, 5 x Old Parts and 2000 Gols. You upgrade the Worktable from A&G Construction (the building to the left of the Commerce Guild).

You need to create build 5 Dee-Dee Transports. You're going to build them all, and then you can store them in a Storage Box until you can hand them over. The list of items below will have the amount for 1 Dee-Dee Transport.

  • 5 x Glass
  • 5 x Copper Bar
  • 3 x Rubber Tire
  • 1 x Small Engine
  • 2 x Single Seat
  • 6 x Fiber Cloth

You will need to do a lot of mining in the Abandoned Ruins #1. In the ruins you can obtain the Sand, Copper Ore, Tin Ore and Small Engines. The Small Engines may take you a bit of time to locate with the Relic Scanner. Rubber Fruit is acquired from kicking trees/chopping trees down. Wooden Boards are crafted on the Civil Cutter from Wood.

Crafting Leather can take a while. You'll first need to obtain 20 x Worn Fur, which is easily obtained by killing Colorful Llamas. You then use the Skiver to turn 2 x Worn Fur into 1 x Fur. With the Fur and Plant Fiber, the Skiver can then be used to craft Leather.

Fiber Cloth can be purchased from the Clothing Store for 28 Gols each. You can also obtain it by killing Sea Urchins and Mr. Ladybugs.

Once you have built all 5 of the Dee-Dee Transports, you now want to wait until the in-game day is a Thursday. I cannot stress that enough.

The Cave on Amber Island

As stated above, you must complete this mission on a Thursday if you want the missable achievement. And make sure you have 5 Dee-Dee Transports already built.

Mission Details

  • Build the Power Generator - 1 x Removable Battery
  • Go into the Cave and repair
  • Turn on the Generator
  • Defeat all of the monsters
  • Explore the Cave
  • Defeat the Bandirats
  • Defeat the Bandirat Prince
  • Report to Gale

Time Limit

  • None


  • 2000 Exp
  • 1000 Gols
  • 40 Workshop Reputation

You'll receive a letter in the post from Gale. You'll get it a day after completing Bridge to Amber Island. Go to his office and speak to him, and when you get the conversation choices, pick either "Town thief?" or "I heard about that!". If you pick "I was also stolen from!" you'll lose relationship points with Gale. After speaking to him, you'll get the Removable Battery blueprint from him. You build it on the Assembly Station.

To do this, you'll need:

  • 3 x Marble
    The easiest way to get Marble is to look for darker stone that is to the left of the entrance to Portia nearest to your Workshop. You'll usually get a few bit of marble from there.
  • 8 x Bronze Bar
  • 3 x Power Stone
  • 2 x Spring
    You'll get these from Abandoned Ruins #2.

Once you've crafted the Removable Battery, you're going to wait until the day is a Thursday to continue the mission. When you get to a Thursday, head over to Amber Island with the battery.

Make sure you have enough inventory space to have 6 spare spaces. Personally, I only went into the cave with my Bronze Axe, Bronze Pickaxe, Bronze Sword, Removable Battery and 10 x Meat in my inventory.

You'll see Liuwa standing outside the entrance to the cave. Speak to him before you go inside. In here, you will encounter Level 10-11 Snaillobs and Level 10 Bandirats. You'll also meet a boss, the Hermit Snaillob, that you will have to kill to progress. It's not too hard to defeat them if you have a Bronze Sword.

On your way to placing the battery, and after killing the boss, you'll come across some breakable jars. In them will be the chance of obtaining some Gols, Salt, Roasted Meat, Meat, Smoked Met, Dried Apple Slice or Simple Circuits. There are a few Crystal deposits you can mine, and some Red Mushrooms you can gather as well. When you get to the Generator Room, look for the stove that here. Interact with it to fully restore your health and stamina. If you have any meat in your inventory, you can add it to the stove to cook up a Tasteless Broth. These restore 15 Stamina, and you can cook up to 10 on the stove, meaning you can recover 150 Stamina if needed.

Install the Removable Batter where marked, and you'll get a cutscene. You'll then have to defeat 3 x Level 10 Bandirats.

At this point, you want to ensure that you have 6 empty inventory slots, as you won't be able to come back to the area you're about to enter if you leave the cave. Then head into the cave to explore. The path will split occasionally, so make sure to cover every path possible. There are two treasure chests you can get:

  • 1 contains some Gols and a Power Stone.
  • 1 contains some Gols and a Fiber Cloth.

Along your path, you want to come across, and collect, the following items:

  • Emily's Bucket, which is at the entrance to the Generator Room.
  • Gust's Lamp, which in on a rock near the forking passages.
  • Remington's Shoes, on the floor in the northern passage.
  • Martha's Pot, in the southern passage.

Once you have all of those, and have killed all of the Bandirats, continue on until you get to a circular room. There's a stove up here for you to use to replenish your health and stamina. You can also make Tasteless Broth here if you have any meat.

Then drop down for a cutscene. You'll then need to kill two Bandirats, followed by the Bandirat Prince. This Prince is in no way difficult to beat. Just remember to use dodge (Guide for My Time at Portia (16)) to move out the way of his attacks. Once you've killed him, a blue chest will appear. This has 1 x Small Engine and 2 x Data Discs inside. There are also two more items to collect in this room:

  • McDonald's Ceramic Jug, which is under one of the wooden beams.
  • Presley's sofa, which the Prince was sat on.

When you exit the cave, you'll be met by the Civil Corps, and then the mission will end.

You can then go about returning all of the items you've collected to their owners, except for Gust, who won't want his lamp back. So you can sell that. For every item you return (including Gust's), you'll gain +10 Relationship Points with that person. You also want to talk to Ginger (she lives with Gale) for +20 Relationship points with her, if you want.


Town Improvement Subplot

Assemble Dee-Dee Transport

(Apologies for the repeating of information about this, it's just to make sure you don't miss out on this achievement at all. Because if you do miss it, you will have to reload an older save (it the autosave is still there) or restart the entire game.)

Mission Details

  • Assembly a Dee-Dee Transport (Max of 5)

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1000 Exp
  • 1800 Gols
  • 200 Workshop Reputation

After completing The Cave on Amber Island on a Thursday, you'll have a Fireside meeting on the Friday. On the morning of the Saturday, Presley will be outside your Workshop explaining that Gale has secured funding for the Dee-Dee Transport and 5 commissions will appear on the Commerce Board.

This Commerce Mission is repeated five times on the Board. As it's a weekend, Higgins will not take any Commissions, meaning you will be able to complete all 5.

With the 5 Dee-Dee Transports in your inventory, head over to the Commerce Guild (there'll be an inspection you can complete while you're here). On the board will be all 5 commissions, so take one. Then look on the map to find Antoine (as it's likely he won't be in the Guild). Head to him to turn the Commission in. And then repeat this 4 times. If you don't manage to complete them all on the Saturday, you'll be able to complete the last ones on the Sunday as well. All you need to do is to make sure you have completed 4 Commissions, and have one Commission ready by Sunday in order to unlock the only (true) missable achievement in the game.

  • City Transporter

    Complete all five Dee-dee transport commissions.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (17)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (18)Guide for My Time at Portia (19)Guide for My Time at Portia (20)

It is entirely possible to complete this when there is a festival on. I somehow managed to time it so that the weekend I did this was the Martial Arts Tournament. I was even able to participate in the Tournament, and still unlock the achievement. So while it sounds stressful, as long as you've done all the prep beforehand, it's not hard to finish up.

The Dee-Dee Stops Here

Mission Details

  • Talk to Gale
  • Place 3 x Dee-Dee Stops

Time Limit

  • None


Only collectible after building and placing 3 Dee-Dee Stops

  • 600 Exp
  • 100 Gols
  • 40 Workshop Reputation

This mission becomes available immediately after the first Dee-Dee commission has been handed in. Antoine will tell you to go and talk to Gale. Take the commission from him to build 3 Dee-Dee Stops. He'll tell you to go and speak to Petra for the diagram.

Diagram for the Dee-Dee Stop

Mission Details

  • Talk to Petra
  • Hand over 3 Data Discs

Time Limit

  • None


  • 200 Exp

Once you've given the Data Discs to Petra, you'll need to wait a day or so for the blueprint. This will end the mission, and you'll now be able to build the three Dee-Dee Stops.

Building the Dee-Dee Stops

To build a Dee-Dee Stop, you'll need:

  • 4 x Bronze Plates
  • 5 x Hardwood Plank
  • 2 x Bronze Pipe
  • 3 x Fiber Cloth

You'll want to build 3 of them, and place them. Where you place them is up to you, but it is a good idea to place one in the location near your Workshop. Once you've placed 3, go and speak to Gale. This will complete The Dee-Dee Stops Here. As you progress through the game, more Dee-Dee Stops will become available for placement. While there is no reward for placing them, it will ease your travel around Portia until you've built a Stable and bought a horse (if you choose to do that, the Workshop page has information about the Stable.

Let There Be Light

Mission Details

  • Install Street Lights (minimum of 2)
  • Report to Antoine

Time Limit

  • None


  • 500 Exp
  • 800 Gols
  • 40 Workshop Reputation

This mission is repeatable up to four times, though as it's commission based, Higgins may take one or more of the commissions. You can't stack these commissions, but you can take them alongside another one if you wish. This mission will start with Gale sending you a mail about crafting some Street Lights.

The 4 commissions that will be placed are Rank B, and upon collecting one, you'll be given a recipe for the Street Light. Go into your inventory and press Guide for My Time at Portia (21) on the book to actually learn the recipe.

To craft a Street Light, on the Worktable, you'll need:

  • 3 x Bronze Pipe
  • 1 x Copper Wire
  • 3 x Glass

You can place the Street Lights where you wish, and you only need to place 2 to complete the mission. Once you've placed a Light, go and speak to Antoine to collect the commission rewards. You'll then be able to pick up another commission for a Street Light immediately afterwards.


Portia Tree Farm Subplot

Fixing the Fence

Mission Details

  • Deliver 5 x Wooden Boards

Time Limit

  • 14 Days


  • 500 Exp
  • 150 Gols
  • 10 Relationship with Dawa

During the first Month of the first year, you'll get a letter from Dawa asking for 5 Wooden Boards. All you need to do is cut the Boards on a Civil Cutter and then deliver them to Dawa at the Tree Farm.

Panbat Infestation

This mission will trigger upon completing Let There Be Light.

Mission Details

  • Go to the Research Center
  • Give Data Discs to Petra (either 3, 5 or 8)
  • Wait for Diagram(s)
  • Craft the Tool
  • Go to the Tree Farm

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1000 Exp
  • 500 Gols
  • 40 Workshop Reputation
  • 10 Relationship with Dawa
  • 10 Relationship with Aadit

You'll get a letter in the mail saying that the Tree Farm has a Panbat Infestation. Head over to the Tree Farm, and when you get a conversation option, pick "Sure.". You'll then need to go to the Research Center. You'll be given the 3 options:

  • I want the easy one. Result is handing over 3 Data Discs.
  • I want the complicated one. Result is handing over 5 Data Discs.
  • I want both. Results in handing over 8 Data Discs and getting 10 Relationship with Petra.

You want to go with both of them, as you get two Blueprints (which will count towards the achievement for getting 50 Blueprints). Once you've handed over 8 Data Discs, you'll have to wait 1 day for the diagrams. Fortunately, you only need to craft one of the two.

If you wish to craft the Loudspeaker:

  • 4 x Hardwood Plank
  • 9 x Copper Plate
  • 2 x Copper Coil
  • 2 x Simple Circuits (obtained from Abandoned Ruins #2).

If you wish to craft the Boombox:

  • 2 x Copper Coil
  • 1 x Cassette Box (craft from the Worktable)
  • 8 x Bronze Plate
  • 2 x Leather Horn (craft from the Worktable)
  • 2 x Small Silicon Chip (obtained from Abandoned Ruins #2).

Then take the item to the Tree Farm and place it in the designated spot. If you chose the Loudspeaker, placing it will scare off the Panbats. If you chose the Boombox, placing it will make the Panbats non-hostile, meaning you can't attack them.

Saving the Tree Farm

This mission can start immediately after completing Panbat Infestation.

Mission Details

  • Talk to Petra
  • Give her 6 Data Discs
  • Wait for Diagrams
  • Build and place Water Engine and Water Wheel
  • Build and place Water Storage and 4 x Sprinklers

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1800 Exp
  • 1500 Gols
  • 150 Workshop Reputation
  • 10 Relationship with Dawa
  • 10 Relationship with Aadit

In order to complete this mission, you'll need:

  • Level 2 Worktable
  • Level 2 Assembly Station
  • 1 x Civil Furnace
  • 1 x Grinder
  • 1 x Industrial Cutter

Speak to Aadit and accept his commission to start this mission. Then head to the Research Center and speak to Petra. You'll have to hand over 6 Data Discs, and the following day you'll receive four blueprints.

Your first task is to build and place a Water Engine and Water Wheel. For the Water Engine, you'll need:

  • 5 x Old Parts
  • 2 x Small Engine
  • 4 x Steel Plate
    For these, you'll need to mine Iron Ore in Abandoned Ruin #2 and combine it with Charcoal in a Civil Furnace to make Carbon Steel Bars. You then use the Industrial Cutter to turn them into Steel Plates.
  • 2 x Bearing
    For these, you need to craft Tin Alloy, which is done by combining Lead Ore and Tin Ore in a Civil Furnace. You then use a Grinder to turn the Tin Alloy into Bearings.

For the Water Wheel, you need:

  • 15 x Carbon Steel Bars
  • 50 x Hardwood
  • 10 x Old Parts
  • 12 x Large Iron Bucket
    You can get Large Iron Buckets while in Abandoned Ruins #2, but you can also craft them on a Level 2 Worktable. It costs 2 x Iron Bar and 1 x Copper Pipe to make one bucket.

After you've crafted these two, place them in the designated locations (they'll be marked with gold stars on the map). You'll then be tasked with crafting and place the next items - Water Storage and 4 Sprinklers.

For the Water Storage, you'll need:

  • 8 x Hardwood Plank
  • 15 x Iron Bar
  • 8 x Copper Pipe

For a Sprinkler (so yo'll need four times the amount here), you'll need:

  • 2 x Copper Pipe
  • 1 x Valve
    You get these from Abandoned Ruins #2.

You craft Sprinklers on the Worktable.

Once you've placed these, you'll have a cutscene, and will finish the mission. Completing this subplot will unlock

  • Savior of Tree Farm

    Help the Portia Tree Farm be operational again.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (22)

    2 guidesGuide for My Time at Portia (23)Guide for My Time at Portia (24)Guide for My Time at Portia (25)

From here on out, the Tree Farm will be open, and for you, the Tree Farm will deliver wood and other items to your Resource Box (which is next to your mailbox) every day. If you don't upgrade, you'll never have to pay for the resources you receive. There's also a mention about Tree Farm Fees, but I never had to renew the registration, so effectively I was getting everything for free. But if you need to renew the registration for the resources, the game will warn you on the day it's supposed to run out.


Side Tasks

By this point, you're going to want to have upgraded your Axe and Pickaxe to an Iron Axe and an Iron Pickaxe.

An Iron Axe requires:

  • Level 2 Worktable
  • 1 x Bronze Axe (which you should already have)
  • 3 x Iron Bar
  • 2 x Upgrade Kit

An Iron Pickaxe requires:

  • Level 2 Worktable
  • 1 x Bronze Pickaxe (which you should already have)
  • 2 x Iron Bar
  • 2 x Upgrade Kit

You're also going to want to create an Iron Sword, which needs:

  • Level 2 Worktable
  • 15 x Iron Bar
  • 4 x Animal Bones (you should get these from killing Colorful Llamas)

It's also a good idea to spend the time to upgrade your Assembly Station to Level 2.

Unlocking WOW Industries and Meeting Ack

The Bassanio Lift

Mission Details

  • Collect Materials - 10 x Hardwood Plank, 5 x Iron Wood Plank, 6 x Carbon Steel Bar
  • Fix the Lift
  • Install the Lift Controls

Time Limit

  • None


  • 2500 Exp
  • 3500 Gols
  • 200 Workshop Reputation
  • 20 Relationship with Gale
  • 10 Relationship with Arlo

Once you've completed The Dee-Dee Stops Here, head up to the Peach Plaza (where the Guild is) for a cutscene. The fountain with spew green water with rubbish in it. The Portia River will also be polluted too, as well as the fishing spots around Amber Island and by the waterfall. After the cutscene, Arlo will place a commission in the Guild for you to pick up. You will need to craft the following items:

  • 10 x Hardwood Plank
  • 5 x Iron Wooden Plank
    This requires Ironwood, which is gathered from cutting down the stumps of large trees, and Mucus, which can be obtained by killing Mr. Ladybugs.
  • 6 x Carbon Steel Bars

You'll also be given a blueprint to craft the Lift Controls, on the Assembly Station:

  • 6 x Iron Bar
  • 1 x Industrial Engine
    Obtained from Abandoned Ruins #2
  • 2 x Small Silicon Chip
    Obtained from Abandoned Ruins #2

Then go and fix the lift with the materials, and place the Life Controls to complete this mission.

Being able to access Bassanio Heights gives you access to two useful resources - Purple Resin (obtained from cutting down large trees) and Cinnamon (gathered). You'll also be able to place a Dee-Dee Stop near the lift, which is worth doing.

After waiting several days, the next mission will become available.

The Poisoned Water

Before starting this mission, aim to be at least Level 25. If you can, bring a stash of Snake Berries (restores 10 HP) and Royal Honey (restores 15 HP) to replenish health, along with any Simple Ointment (restores 120 HP) you can afford to purchase from Dr. Xu. You can also gather Herbs, which restores 10 HP.

For Stamina buffs, Apples (restore 5 Stamina), Aroma Apples (restores 20 Stamina) and Royal Honey (restores 10 Stamina) are by far the easiest to acquire, as you just need to kick the correct trees. Using Dried Apple Slices are good too, and if you invest in making a Drying Rack on the Worktable, you could craft an endless amount of Dried Apple Slices - they restored 10% of your Stamina.

Mission Details

  • Collect Materials - 4 x Steel Plate, 5 x Welding Rod, 2 x Valve
  • Fix the leaking pipe
  • Find the Exit
  • Defeat the Minions
  • Defeat the Rat King
  • Find the Exit
  • Turn Off the Goo
  • Find the Exit
  • Report to Gale

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1250 Exp
  • 1000 Gols
  • 75 Workshop Reputation
  • 10 Relationship with Gale

You'll receive a letter from the Civil Corps asking for you to fix a leaky pipe that is inside WOW Industries. To fix the pipe, you'll need:

  • 4 x Steel Plate
  • 5 x Welding Rod
  • 2 x Valve
    Obtained in Abandoned Ruins #2.

Once you have all of them, head over to WOW Industries, go inside and speak to Sam. Once you've fixed the pipe, you'll have a short cutscene which will end with you at the bottom of the large hole.

For the rest of the mission, you will need to navigate your way through the sewage system, fighting enemies like Backrats and Redrats. There are a few chests and items to be discovered and gathered, so make sure to explore and collect what you can. By killing some of the enemies, you'll receive Meat, which can be used, if you find the Stove, to make Tasteless Broth. You'll be able to make ten before the stove goes out.

There's one item worth getting, and it's in one of the three chests you can find before fighting the boss. It contains the recipe for an Enhanced Iron Sword, which is a great weapon to have from this point onwards.

Eventually you'll have worked your way though (it's not hard to navigate your way around) and you'll get to the boss, the Rat King. You'll start by having to defeat his minions, two Backrats and three Redrats. And then you'll be up against the Rat King. Unfortunately on your own, as Sam won't be able to help you. The Rat King isn't hard to beat, just remember to use Guide for My Time at Portia (26) to dodge his larger attacks. If you need to heal yourself, or replenish Stamina, do so from the inventory menu Guide for My Time at Portia (27). It's safer for you to do so.

Once you've defeated him, you and Sam will find the exit, and you'll get 10 Relationship with her. Once you've left the dungeon, head to Gale to complete the mission. The water will now no longer be poisoned.

The Crashed Station

Head to the Commerce Guild the day after completing the previous mission to trigger this one.

Mission Details

  • Collect Materials - 4 x Welding Rod, 8 x Steel Plate
  • Repair the Hole
  • Go into the Civil Corps

Time Limit

  • None


  • 10 Relationship with Remington, Arlo and Sam

In order to complete this mission, you'll need:

  • Industrial Furnace
  • Industrial Cutter

After a cutscene, you'll need to head over to the entrance to the Collapsed Wasteland, where you'll have another cutscene. You won't be able to use the Dee-Dee Transport System until you've gone to the Collapsed Wasteland entrance. You'll be tasked with getting the materials needed to patch the hole:

  • 4 x Welding Rod
  • 8 x Steel Rod

Then head over to the crash site, and repair the hole to stop Arlo and Remington from having to fight monsters. Don't bother fighting any monsters yourself, you don't gain any Exp, and just lose Stamina. You'll be unable to interact with either NPC until you have. Upon repairing the hole, a robot will appear, called Ack. You'll then want to head to the Civil Corps for another cutscene, ending this mission and staring Fixing Ack.


Fixing Ack

Mission Details

  • Talk with Ack
  • Give Ack a Bottle of Milk
  • Repair Ack's Leg x3
  • Repair Ack's Head x3
  • Talk with Gale

Time Limit

  • None


  • 500 Exp
  • 200 Gols
  • 20 Relationship with Gale

Gale will ask you to fix Ack's leg and head. To start with, Ack will ask you to bring him some milk. You can either purchase Milk from Sophie's Ranch, from the roping game that's next to McDonald's house, or you may have some stashed away already. Give Ack the milk to continue the mission.

You'll then need to fix Ack's leg, which will take three attempts. You'll start by needing to find a Broom, then a Mop and then the Plunger. They'll be highlighted on the minimap for you to find.

Then you'll need to fix Ack's head, which also takes three attampts. You'll start with a Water Bucket, then a Flower Pot and then finally a Cooking Pot.

With that done, you need to go and speak to Gale to complete the mission. You'll also unlock

  • Hello Mr. Ack

    Help fix Ack the living AI.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (28)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (29)Guide for My Time at Portia (30)Guide for My Time at Portia (31)

There's also a secondary mission for Ack that you can do, but it's not necessary. You keep all of the items that you used during this mission, except for the Plunger and Cooking Pot. Feel free to sell them.

The next morning, you'll receive a letter from the Civil Corps saying that you'll be able to update the Relic Scanner. You can do this at the elevator panel outside an Abandoned Ruin. This update will allow the Relic Scanner to show the shape of the objects after scanning them, instead of just a dot. You'll also be able to highlight three items at a time, instead of just one.

You'll also have a letter from Albert, which will trigger the mission below, Construction Crane. Several days later, you'll receive a letter inviting you to attend a Fireside meeting, where you'll be introduced to Mint (an NPC worth building a relationship with, only to the status Buddy). This will allow you to start The Portia Bridge.

There will also be another Fireside meeting to introduce Ack to Portia.

Portia Museum

Construction Crane

This mission will trigger after completing Fixing Ack, and you must complete it within the time limit.

Mission Details

  • Talk to Petra
  • Collect Data Discs
  • Wait for Diagram
  • Assemble the Crane

Time Limit

  • 28 Days


  • 3200 Exp
  • 4000 Gols
  • 90 Workshop Reputation
  • 20 Relationship with Albert
  • 1 x File Cabinet

In order to complete this mission, you'll need:

  • Level 3 Worktable
  • Level 2 Assembly Station
  • Industrial Furnace
  • Grinder
  • Industrial Cutter

Gale will propose that a museum should be opened in Portia and tasks Albert with building it. Albert will send you a letter, and you'll have to go and meet him. Accept the task, and he'll tell you to go and talk to Petra at the Research Center. She'll ask for 6 Data Discs, and then after one day, you'll have the blueprint for the Construction Crane. You'll have 28 days from accepting the task to complete building the Crane, so it's worth focusing on getting it done. If you don't complete the Crane in time, Higgins will build it instead.

For the Construction Crane, you'll need:

  • 4 x Pulley
    These are crafted on the Grinder from 2 x Carbon Steel Bars and 1 x Lubricant. You get Lubricant from Abandoned Ruins #2.
  • 5 x Steel Cable
    Craft this on the Grinder.
  • 3 x Steel Frame
    This is crafted on a Level 3 Worktable from 5 x Carbon Steel Bars and 1 x Welding Rod. Welding Rods are crafted in an Industrial Furnace.
  • 4 x Iron Wooden Plank
    4 x Ironwood and 1 x Mucus are needed to craft an Iron Wood Plank, on an Industrial Cutter. Ironwood is gained from the stumps of larger trees, and if you've completed the Tree Farm, you may receive some from them. Mucus can easily be obtained by killing Mr. Ladybugs and Snaillobs.
  • 1 x Hoister
    This is crafted on a Level 3 Worktable from 3 x Bearing, 2 x Steel Plate and 1 x Industrial Engine. Industrial Engines are found in Abandoned Ruins #2.

Once you've crafted this (on the Assembly Station), take it to Albert to complete the mission.

After a week, the Portia Museum will finally be build, and then the grand opening will on the following Saturday. Go to the Grand Opening to unlock

  • Ribbon Cutting

    Opening Of The Museum

    Guide for My Time at Portia (32)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (33)Guide for My Time at Portia (34)Guide for My Time at Portia (35)

Luckily for you, you'll be notified when the Museum is to be opened. Once the Museum is opened, you'll be able to donate reconstructed relics, painting and some assembled items (like Furnaces) to the Museum. In return, you'll receive some Workshop Reputation. And if there's a relic in there that an NPC likes, if they view it, you'll receive some relationship points with them.


Unlocking Eufaula Desert

The Portia Bridge

Mission Details

  • Complete the 5 Commission Missions.
  • Hand the items to Albert.

Time Limit

  • Mission 1-4 - 9 days
  • Mission 5 - 7 days


  • Mission 1 - 5000 Exp, 2400 Gols, 175 Workshop Reputation. 10 Relationship with Albert and Gale.
  • Mission 2 - 2400 Exp, 1200 Gols, 120 Workshop Reputation. 10 Relationship with Albert and Gale.
  • Mission 3 - 4000 Exp, 1500 Gols, 150 Workshop Reputation. 10 Relationship with Albert and Gale.
  • Mission 4 - 2400 Exp, 1200 Gols, 120 Workshop Reputation. 10 Relationship with Albert and Gale.
  • Mission 5 - 9000 Exp, 2600 Gols, 200 Workshop Reputation. 10 Relationship with Albert and Gale.

These missions are posted on the Commissions Board. There are five different parts (missions) that need to be completed, in order to complete the whole mission. You will be able to pick up another commission at the same time, if you wish.

In order to complete all of the commissions, you will need:

  • Level 3 Worktable
  • Level 2 Assembly Station
  • Grinder
  • Industrial Furnace
  • Industrial Cutter or Comprehensive Cutter
  • Blender

After the Fireside meeting where Mint is introduced, there will be a meeting to discuss the project. You should go to the meeting in Gale's, otherwise you'll get a letter from him the next day. The first two commissions that will be placed are:

It's worth crafting both of these at the same time, which will cut down the amount of time it will take.

Mission One - 8 x Steel Frame

This is a simple one for you to craft on the Level 3 Worktable. Go and speak to Albert when you have the eight steel frames.

Mission Two - 10 x Hardened Clay

To craft Hardened Clay, you'll need:

  • 12 x Soil
  • 3 x Resin
    You obtain this by cutting down trees.
  • 2 x Tempering Liquid
    You obtain this in Abandoned Ruins #2, and sometimes as Inspection rewards.

Speak to Albert to turn in this commission and start the next ones.

Mission Three - 6 x Cable

Cables are crafted on a Level 3 Worktable with:

  • 2 x Steel Cable
  • 1 x Pulley

Mission Four - 6 x Bridge Lights

The Bridge Light is crafting on the Worktable with:

  • 2 x Tin Alloy
  • 1 x Strengthened Glass
    This is made in a Civil Furnace/Industrial Furnace from 2 x Glass and 1 x Tempering Liquid.

Mission Five - 1 x Bridge Tower and 1 x Steel Beam

This mission can be completed a total of four times. You won't be able to do all of them, as Higgins will take at least one Commission. It's worth crafting enough materials to make all four though, as you'll need the leftover materials later in the game.

To craft a Bridge Tower, you'll need:

  • 10 x Steel Plate
  • 8 x Hardened Clay
  • 2 x Strengthened Glass

To craft a Steel Beam, you'll need:

  • 7 x Iron Wooden Plank
  • 4 x Steel Frame
  • 6 x Bronze Pipe

Once all of the commissions have been completed, you'll receive a letter in the mail saying that the Portia Bridge has been completed. You'll unlock

  • Across the River

    Help build the Portia Bridge.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (36)

    1 guideGuide for My Time at Portia (37)Guide for My Time at Portia (38)Guide for My Time at Portia (39)

There will also be a letter from Albert about the commissions for the next mission, The Eufaula Tunnel. And now that the bridge is completed, you'll be able to access the Eufaula Desert. There are some new resources here, one of which will be important for you to gather - Poplar Wood. And some enemies like Desert Hoppers and Spladers, which are only found here. You'll also be able to access the Desert Abandoned Ruins, where you'll be able to mine Aluminum Ore and Magnesium Ore. You then want to craft yourself an Electric Furnace (see the Assembly Station & Blueprints page for information), where you'll be able to craft Hard Aluminum and Stainless Aluminum. These are two materials you're going to want to make use of as you progress into the last half of the game.

Finally, there are two Dee-Dee Stop locations you can place around here.

The Eufaula Tunnel

Mission Details

  • Craft the materials needed for the four missions.
  • Complete the Tunnel Investigation

Time Limit

  • None


  • Mission 1 - 1800 Exp, 1000 Gols, 60 Workshop Reputation, 20 Relationship with Albert.
  • Mission 2 - 1800 Exp, 1000 Gols, 60 Workshop Reputation, 20 Relationship with Albert.
  • Mission 3 - 1800 Exp, 1000 Gols, 60 Workshop Reputation, 20 Relationship with Albert.
  • Mission 4 - 1800 Exp, 1000 Gols, 60 Workshop Reputation, 20 Relationship with Albert.
  • Tunnel Investigation - 300 Exp.

In order to complete all of the commissions, you will need:

  • Level 3 Worktable
  • Industrial Furnace
  • Grinder
  • Industrial Cutter
  • Basic Skiver or Advanced Skiver

These four missions will appear as commissions. There are four that you will be able to take, and noone else will take them. So it's worth taking the time to try and prep all four at the same time.

Mission 1 - 4 x Wooden Pillar

To craft the Wooden Pillar, you'll need:

  • 3 x Poplar Wood
  • 2 x Rope

When you've crafted them all, hand them into Albert.

Mission 2 - 2 x Large Pipe

To craft a Large Pipe, you'll need:

  • 4 x Bronze Pipe
  • 1 x Valve
  • 2 x Resin

Mission 3 - 6 x Iron Wooden Plank

To craft an Iron Wooden Plank, you'll need:

  • 4 x Ironwood
    The trees in Eufaula Desert yield more Ironwood.
  • 1 x Mucus

Mission 4 - 2 x Steel Shell

To craft a Steel Shell, you'll need:

  • 1 x Steel Frame
  • 1 x Welding Rod
  • 1 x Steel Plate

With all of those done, Mint will then inform you that there have been a few earthquakes in Ingall's Mine. He asks for a second opinion from you. So head to the Tunnel for a bit of a conversation. Then you'll need to leave the cave, where you'll meet Gale outside. He'll give you 5 x Dried Apricot and 5 x Simple Ointment, setting you up for the next mission.

Rescue in Ingall's Mine

Mission Details

  • Head to Ingall's Mine
  • Explore Mine
  • Find 3 x Power Stones
  • Activate the Switch
  • Dive Deeper into the Mine
  • Kill the Boxx
  • Leave the Mine

Time Limit

  • None


  • 1400 Exp
  • 1600 Gols
  • 20 Relationship with Remington, Arlo, Sam and Mint (respectively).

So this mission starts right after the previous one, where you an Remington will look for an alternative entrance into the mine to rescue everyone. So when you're ready head in. When you enter, you'll have a quick conversation, and Remington will give you the Corps' Hammer. It's a useful weapon for this mission. For this mission, you'll just need to explore the mine. The enemies here are called Cell Worms and Tunnel Worms. There's also a few chests in here for you to collect.

You'll eventually stumble upon a switch that you need to interact with. This will see you needing to fins 3 Power Stones in order to activate the switch. You'll then dive deeper into the mine. You'll come across a mini-boss called Chief Honcho. Defeat him and proceed on. You'll eventually find a room full of defeated monsters, and Sam's boxing gloves. Find another switch, which will lead you to the final room. Arlo, Sam and Mint will be here. There'a also the boss, Rock-on, that you will need to defeat. Sam, Arlo and Remington will help you.

Rock-on will drop Diamonds upon defeating him, meaning you can unlock this achievement here

  • Forever

    Find a diamond.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (40)

    2 guidesGuide for My Time at Portia (41)Guide for My Time at Portia (42)Guide for My Time at Portia (43)

Then leave the mine, and you'll have a cutscene, ending the mission.

A Green Wall

This is a secondary mission that will be triggered after completing The Portia Bridge.

Mission Details

  • Make 6 x Insulated Planter Box
  • Wait for the Trees
  • Assemble and Install

Time Limit

  • None


  • 9000 Exp
  • 3200 Gols
  • 200 Workshop Reputation
  • 10 Relationship with Dawa and Siwa.

In order to complete this mission, you'll need to have:

  • Level 3 Worktable
  • Level 2 Assembly Station
  • Blender
  • Large Planter Box

You can purchase Large Planter Boxes from the Church Store for 2 Data Discs.

You'll receive a letter from Dawa, where he explains that he needs to plant trees in South Block, and needs you to craft Insulated Planter Boxes to put them in. With the letter is the recipe for the Insulated Planter Boxes. He'll ask you to craft six of them.

In order to craft one of these Planter Boxes, you'll need:

  • 1 x Large Planter Box
  • 5 x Cultivated Soil
    This is crafted in the Blender from 6 x Soil and 1 x Animal Bones.
  • 2 x Mucus

Once you've built the 6 Planter Boxes, wait for Dawa to deliver the trees. He'll give you the blueprint for Sand Blockers. It's straightforward enough to craft 6 Sand Blockers. A single Sand Blocker requires:

  • 1 x Insulated Planter Box
  • 4 x Poplar Tree

Once you've crafted them, travel over to the South Block, and install the Sand Blockers in the indicated locations.

The Driller

Mission Details

  • Assemble the Drill

Time Limit

  • None


  • 9000 Exp
  • 3000 Gols
  • 220 Workshop Reputation
  • 20 Relationship with Mint

To complete this mission, you'll need:

  • Level 3 Worktable
  • Level 2 Assembly Station
  • Industrial Furnace
  • Industrial Cutter or Comprehensive Cutter
  • Basic Skiver or Advanced Skiver

A few days after the last mission, Mint will send you a letter with a blueprint attached for The Driller. He'll ask you to build one. To build The Driller, you need:

  • 2 x Jumbo Tire
    One of these is crafted on the Worktable from 8 x Rubber Fruit, 3 x Carbon Steel Bar and 2 x Tempering Liquid
  • 3 x Steel Shell
  • 2 x Rubber Tire
  • 1 x Large Drill Tip
    Mint will provide you with this.
  • 3 x Industrial Engine
  • 2 x Control Panel
    These are crafted on the Worktable from 2 x Small Silicon Chip and 3 x Old Parts
  • 1 x Single Seat

Once you've built the Driller, give it to Mint to end the mission.


Missions Outside of the Main Story Timeline

The Farmer

This mission will only trigger if you've already met Emily. If you have, it will trigger on Month 1, Day 4. If you haven't met her by then, the mission will trigger the day after you've met her.

Mission Details

  • Craft the Planter Box
  • Harvest
  • Show Emily
  • Craft 3 x Planter Boxes

Time Limit

  • None


  • 500 Exp
  • 300 Gols
  • +10 Relationship with Emily

You'll need to have the Civil Cutter in order to complete this secondary mission.

This secondary mission will appear on the map as a blue exclamation mark. This icon will also be above Emily's head. You'll usually find her in the farm across from your Workshop. When you speak to her, pick the conversation option "Sure!". If you pick "Not right now, I'm busy" the mission will be held off, allowing you to start it at a later date.

Either way, when you pick "Sure!", Emily will give you the crafting recipe for the Small Planter Box, 5 x Wheat Seeds, and 5 x Fertilizer. Open your inventory, select the recipe book and select Use with Guide for My Time at Portia (44). You'll then be able to craft the Planter Box from the Worktable - Furniture Tab.

For the Small Planter Box, you'll need:

  • 3 x Wooden Board
    You'll need 24 x Wood to make the Wooden Boards. You craft the Wooden Boards on the Civil Cutter.
  • 3 x Soil
    Soil is easily gathered during mining in the Abandoned Ruins.
  • 2 x Animal Feces
    Feces are easily gathered from the farm animals next to Sophie's Shop. Another place you will probably find feces is to look for the Colorful Llamas that are located behind your Workshop. There's usually some feces lying around for you to gather.

It's worth pointing out that there is also a chance for you to find a Diamond while gathering feces. It's incredibly rare. But if you do, you'll unlock

  • Forever

    Find a diamond.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (45)

    2 guidesGuide for My Time at Portia (46)Guide for My Time at Portia (47)Guide for My Time at Portia (48)

Another way of acquiring a Diamond is from mining.

Once you've crafted the Small Planter Box, place it in your yard. Select the Wheat Seeds from your inventory bar, and plant them in the Planter Box. Then add the Fertilizer. While the fertilizer isn't necessary, it's worth remembering to add it when you plant seeds, otherwise some plants will become "unhappy" and wither.

After three days, the Wheat will have finished growing - you won't need to water it - and it will be ready to harvest. Harvest the wheat, and then take it to Emily. After speaking to her, you will need to craft another 3 Small Planter Boxes for her.

When you have, give the Planter Boxes to Emily to complete this mission, and gain the rewards.

Present for the Celebration & the Day of the Bright Sun Festival

This triggers on Day 12, Month 1 (every year).

Mission Details

  • Give a Day of the Bright Sun gift to the Mayor before Day 18 for the celebration.

Time Limit

  • 5 Days


  • N/A

Reward is dependent on what gift is given.

On Month 1, Day 12, you'll receive a letter from the Portia Government (in your mail box) stating that on Day 19 it is the Day of the Bright Sun festival. You are asked to give a gift to Mayor Gale by Day 18 to be used for the celebration. Ideally you want to go for an item that will net you a good amount of relationship towns with the town.

The spoiler below list various items that are easy enough to get and reward you with a decent amount of relationship points.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

And then on Month 1, Day 19, you'll be informed that it's the Day of the Bright Sun Festival. This happens every year. Starting from outside the Commerce Guild, a large airship will fly over the town, occasionally dropping a number of gifts. You'll need to scramble with other townsfolk to collect these presents. Follow the townsfolk, as they will follow the path of the airship. To ensure that you have a chance of picking up a number of gifts, keep mashing Guide for My Time at Portia (49) near them. There are a number of items you can get from presents, and the spoiler below lists them, and who they're from.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Once the present drop is finished, there will be special group photo opportunities available. They'll be marked on the map with a camera icon. Doing one of these will net you the following

  • Say Cheese!

    The first photo taken with someone else.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (50)

    2 guidesGuide for My Time at Portia (51)Guide for My Time at Portia (52)

The Fishing Rod & the Fishing Day Festival

You need a Basic Fishing Rod and some Caterpillars before the festival starts. It's quite likely that you will have seen an NPC in a purple shirt - this is Qiwa - with a secondary mission. This is called The Fishing Rod - and the requirement is to make him a Fishing Rod. There's a time limit of 7 Days, and if you can do this secondary mission before the Festival, go about making two fishing rods. One for Qiwa, and one for yourself.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Winter Solstice

While this isn't a mission as such, you need to partake in this festival for an achievement. What you want to do is on Day 22, Month 4 is go to Sophie's Ranch, and purchase as many Chili Peppers as possible. They're 20 Gols each, and I only ended up needing 50-60 Chili Peppers for the achievement.

On Day 23, Month 4, the Winter Solstice will start at 10am. You want to go down to the Central Plaza (where the Research Center is). There will be a massive hotpot that you will need to toss food into. What you're going to do is equip the Chili Peppers, and keep tossing them into the Hotpot without stopping. Above the Hotpot is a bar, indicating how hot/spicy the Hotpot is. Your aim is to get the spiciness above 85, and keep it there for for 10 seconds. Each section of the bar indicates a range of 10 in spiciness, so you want to be in the last two segments (for safety).

NPCs will say the hotpot is too spicy, but just keep going with throwing Chili Peppers into the Hotpot until the following achievement unlocks

  • A True Hotpot

    Keep the spiciness of the hotpot above 85 for 10 seconds during the Winter Solstice festival.

    Guide for My Time at Portia (53)

    2 guidesGuide for My Time at Portia (54)Guide for My Time at Portia (55)


McDonald's Stable

This mission will trigger at some point during the Summer of Year 1.

This mission triggered, for me, on Month 2, Day 10.

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The Debt Collectors

This triggers after Day 2, Month 2, Year 1. It is a mini-story line that contains three missions. It will only trigger once you've completed The Cave on Amber Island. It will only trigger once the date has gotten to, or passed, Month 2, Day 2.

Mission 1: The Debt Collectors

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Mission 2: My Eviction from Portia

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Mission 3: My Eviction from Portia 2

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Read All About It!

It will only trigger once the date has gotten to, or passed, Month 2, Day 4. You will need access to Abandoned Ruins #2 in order to get the required materials.

This mission triggered, for me, on Month 3, Day 4.

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12. Story Walkthrough Page 210. Cooking

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Guide for My Time at Portia (2024)
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