Bitburner Documentation (2024)

1. Bitburner's documentation!

  • Stable

  • Bitburner

2. bitburner-official | Read the Docs

3. [PDF] Bitburner Documentation - Read the Docs

  • 14 jul 2019 · Bitburner is a cyberpunk-themed incremental RPG where you, the player, take the role of an unknown hacker in a dark, dystopian world.

4. Bitburner

  • Tutorial (AKA Links to Documentation) ... Welcome to Bitburner, a cyberpunk-themed incremental RPG! The game takes place in a dark, dystopian future...The year is ...

  • This page displays a list of all of your scripts that are currently running across every machine. It also provides information about each script's production. The scripts are categorized by the hostname of the servers on which they are running.

5. Bitburner Wiki - Fandom

  • About the wiki. This is a wiki about the programming game Bitburner that anybody can edit. It plans to document all of the content that can be found in the ...

  • About the wiki This is a wiki about the programming game Bitburner that anybody can edit. It plans to document all of the content that can be found in the game, such as the API, functions, and more.

Bitburner Wiki - Fandom

6. hack() - Bitburner Wiki - Fandom

  • A function for hacking servers and stealing money is available in a game. The time it takes to run this function depends on the player's hacking level and ...

  • hack() is a basic Netscript function. A function for hacking servers and stealing money is available in a game. The time it takes to run this function depends on the player's hacking level and the target server's security level. To perform the hack, the player must have root access to the target server and the necessary hacking skills. The function can be run on any server, not just the one being hacked. For example, a player could create a script to hack the "foodnstuff" server and run it on a

hack() - Bitburner Wiki - Fandom

7. BitBurner / Wiki / Home - SourceForge

  • BitBurner was developed to make all AVRdude's functionality available in a single GUI. Combined with a comprehensive fuse calculator and automated uploading ...

  • Welcome to the BitBurner Sourceforge site.

8. Wiki · jesse / Bitburner-Scripts - GitLab

  • Somewhat crappy scripts for the game "Bitburner". Deprecated. Newer project here.

Wiki · jesse / Bitburner-Scripts - GitLab
Bitburner Documentation (2024)


What language does Bitburner use? ›

Netscript is the programming language used in the world of Bitburner. When you write scripts in Bitburner, they are written in the Netscript language. Netscript is simply a subset of JavaScript.

Do you need to know coding to play Bitburner? ›

What is Bitburner? Bitburner is an idle, text-based, role playing game released on 18th December 2021 (Steam). You play as a hacker in a cyberpunk dystopian world, and this game has elements for you to interact with using code. A programming background is recommended, but no knowledge is required to play this game.

What script does Bitburner use? ›

Welcome to my log of Bitburner scripts. They are written using the in-game language of NetscriptJS, which is a mutation of Javascript.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.